Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Berkeley Rose...are we gaming?

I would like to extend a formal congrats to the man with the new baby.

I suppose Valerie does get some credit :)

Just wondering if we are planning on gaming Sunday the 2nd.
Leave your posts below.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh hell ya...we have a bar to clear and it a long weekend. How could you even question that! AAnd if Eric can't make it, he will open all of the doors for te whole session. And we;ll let Jooj play his char and add some interesting craft skills.

Jooj said...

Ha ha.. aw jeez..

First off, congrats Eric and Valerie! you made yourself a awesome little baby there.

Secondly, I think John is feeling spiked chain withdrawal, and the only cure is a 10 foot reach and a free 5 foot step back..

Lastly, I've got some new little guys for next session. So I hope we can muster up some quality game time this weekend.

clasigmund said...

I think I'm about to burst from excitment! an open bar AND new minitures! Life has just gone from Rosey to a nuclear good time.

Jeff said...

mmmm bar...

I have some food (snacks) to go with the bar. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow....and whoot my first post!


Unknown said...

I will be there. I may be a little late, however.

Jooj said...

Rut-roh.... mindflayers?