Thanks to the literary prowess of Mansir, we have an update far sooner than expected. Thank you and thanks to your writing abilities! It took no more than a few name additions and a few additional facts for this post to become a reality. Mansir... your so cool you are Bolgrim!
"Found it" Barret grudgedly sneered from the low-lit space.
"That sneaky lil bastard had it the whole time. Cripes, I have no idea how anyone could sleep with those things mucking aboot. The short bugger even had a bed made from webs. Ack!"
After much ballyhooing around the caverns and avoiding horded swarms of small arachnids and other crawly denizens, the party finally returned the remaining wands to the Cauldron. The water there was contained and in time the rain wisped away to a petty mist.
The party had some free time to themselves for a change. Donner went back to work, as did Bolgrim. Churchkey met his leading lady with a newfound fervor. Connel returned to help at the orphanage and was given a hero’s welcome from the children. Pepper spent time at the building site of the new cathedral and in his studies. Barret once again did what Barret does. No one knows for certain, and few are brave enough to question him.
The party learned their aged paladin friend had been traveling to and from the Demon Scar. He remains something of a mystery still, rumors are he has returned a man perhaps tainted? Cursed or not, he remained unavailable until another time.
There was also a noted increase in the number of guards. It turns out the new tax was being used to hire 1/2 Orc mercenary guards. So far they seem to be doing a pretty good job.
They have also been impacted by a whole new tax system: this was brought to the forefront by an issue of the Cauldron Broadsides.
Time passed while the party enjoyed being in the daylight again. Ah, beautiful daylight. Pelor graces us with these glorious days after the rainfall.
Barret has purchased part ownership in a bar.
Everyone went for an afternoon lunch in his newfound establishment. The party gathered to discuss their future plans and newly found wealth over some warm food, when Donner and Bolgrim noticed a distant low echo from... underneath? The water in the glasses rippled faintly.
Donner decided to step out for some air and ease his curiosity. There were the crowds shopping, buying goods from the butcher across the way. Down the street near various storage houses, young kids watched a puppet booth, laughing and lost in the show.
Brick and wood exploded across from the children. Dust billowed into the air and screams ensued as people ran around in utter chaos.
The party quickly sprang into action! Pepper, Churchkey, Bolgrim and Donner went out the front door and was met by panicked mobs of townspeople. Barret vanished out the back, while Connel followed quickly.
The clouds of powder and residue cleared, the large monstrous creature more then the height of two and a half men, swung its massive insect like arm into a corner of a building instantly tearing it down. Mandibles and a shell like hide bristled with extra spikes and nasty bits and protected it from any falling debris. The eyes, not two, but four total gave off a radiating gaze aura. Donner started to babble incoherently. Churchkey valiantly strode up to meet the hulking, dark burnt umber colored menace.
The crowds behave strangely, some running away, others pouncing on each other, yet while others just stood there in utter confusion.
Barret arrived from the shadows and aided Churchkey in trying to bring the beast down. Connel plodding down behind the rogue, had a strange cumpulsion to severely strike down a villager in the way. Spiked chains cracked and light erupted. Swords met tough carapace as half orc guards joined in the fray and screams and yelling continued. Chaos ensued and more buildings were brought to ruin.
Then, the creature plowed straight down into the ground, through solid rock and completely vanished.
The party gathered closer together and tended to the wounded. Connel in a fit of guilt brought the dying man to consciousness and profusely apologized to the villager with the gaping chest wound and promptly healed him. Barret quickly put his ear to the ground.
“I hear it.” He said.
The party and the guards prepared for the monster again. They steadied themselves as the thrumming got louder.
Another explosion erupted from inside the other warehouse, and within seconds the wall was demolished in front of the party. The umber hulk emerged and was quickly beaten. As the body now lay lifeless, the crowds gathered. People were healed and a search inside the warehouse by Barret revealed the ground adorned with sigils. Later it was confirmed the creature had been summoned. No one knew who, but suspicions erupted rumors of a rider leaving town on a horse whose hooves didn’t touch the ground.
Later that night the Vangaurd gathered again at the Slippery Eel. Lady Taskerhill decided to play a show to sooth the masses and bring about some calmness that had befallen the area earlier. Lots of locals and nobility showed up to witness the event.
The party was approached by the lovely Celest and presented an invitation for a future business endeavor. She asked the party to meet her and her business associate at the Cusp of Sunrise, the most upper class establishment in Cauldron.
The party accepted and later went to the meeting hall. The establishment welcomed the party with Celestes' invitation in hand. The drinks were meticulous and food was utterly amazing. Some low stress gambling ensued, but more as a social event. Later the party was directed to a private backroom where their dinner would be served.
The ancient dwarf sat, propped up by pillows. The dwarf seemed proud, yet seemingly fragile all the while. In between gasps of breath, he informed the party of his request. He had three sons that he stubbornly drove away. His wife, unhappy she never was more a part of her offspring’s lives due to his bull headed ways, cursed him on her deathbed. He seemed wracked with pain and struggles everyday while this curse remained. Two of the sons have been found. The third, named “Zenith” has been located in the Underdark.
The city sealed up the current way into the caverns below, but the party learns there may be and opening in a fissure. Celeste and aged dwarf, Davked, tell them of an old hermit... Crazy Jared. He lives atop a peak about 4 days walk north of Cauldron. Find him and you will find an entrance into the Underdark.
With that, the Vangaurd sets out on foot.
After a long hike, the party starts approaching the peak, not entirely certain what to look for. Donner notices a quick bright red flash on the horizon that quickly vanishes, followed by a distant rumble.
Connel and Donner start sprinting ahead of the party, certain whatever they witnessed concerns what they came here for.
Churchkey summoned his mount, and grabbed Pepper and bolted after them. Bolgrim and Barret trodded behind them eager to catch up.
The dragon dove down and spewed scorching flames down atop the old man, then furiously roared past him, and whirled around to approach him again.
The hermit laughed maniacally “You double crossing deal breaking overgrown wyrm snake!”
The flying fire lizard, yelling some unknown tongue, bore down on him and belched out another stream of fire that seemed to dissipate around the old man, who continued laughing as the makeshift terrain around him was enveloped in flames.
Some party members drank hiding potions, others went into a quick stealth approach. However, as the remaining members of the Vanguard came over the cusp of the clearing, the dragon reared his head and roared, “You brought friends?”
“Yes! Yes! My army of knights has finally arrived! Hurray!” yelled the hermit boldly to the drake.
In an awesome display of speed the fire lizard approached the party seemingly ready to incinerate them.
Arrows flew through the air, some making their mark. Churchkey fearlessly called the creature out to face him. The party started to mistakenly convene in a small area as the dragon ripped through them dousing some members in a searing trail of flame, and bellowed past them ready to make another approach.
The hermit was furiously running toward the party.
Churchkey trotted forward, lance in hand, and whirled around taunting the creature,” Face me, you coward!” The creature only continued on its path, now enveloping itself in a blue shimmer. Donner called out for healing, and the rest of the party members readied with arrows at a second attack.
Bolgrim ran up to Donner, infused him with the healing power of Pelor, then declared,” Get the hell away from me!”
The hermit was still running toward the party, getting closer. And he was singing!
The dragon bore down a second time. Arrows found their mark, the monk released some mystic energy, and prayers were said. It released a bellow of fire and singed some more party members, then started to make a strategic withdrawal from the fray.
As the winged menace retreated, the old man yelled out in victory, thanking his newfound knights, and invited him into his glorious kingdom… of scorched rocks and smoking bushes?
With a quick wink and a spoken word, the countryside was seemingly transformed into a huge palace, very luxurious and complete with dining chambers. The party started to ask the old man questions and then the hermit told the most fascinating stories with very animated gestures and amazing detail. After a long and arduous process they finally got some answers.
The Vanguard of the Cauldron received a handmade map of the entrance to the Underdark..."The Pit of the Seven Jaws"
Dun DUN duuuuuuuuuun.
Stay tuned for what happens next...
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"I laughed. I cried.. it was better then 'Cats'.."
-Entertainment Weekly
"It knocked 'Lord of the Rings' on it's ass... sideways"
- Science Christian Moniter
"This was like going to a Science Fiction Convention and complaining about police brutality to a guy in a Robocop costume. What was the point?"
-Roger Ebert
"Needs more robots and explosions"
-Optimus Prime
I'm all choked up...
I especially like it when connel in a state of confusion eviscerates an innocent citizen and when the the dragon turns your wardrobe into an ash fest.
touching, truly touching.
An Orc, a Tauren and a Dwarf walked into a inn:
Orc says: Give me the strongest Ale of Durotar with some beer on it!
Tauren says: Give me some Thunderbluff Mead with Rum.
Dwarf: give me some water.
orc and tauren say at the same time: WTF?
Dwarf says: well if none of you lads are going to drink I'll do the same.
Thats pretty good. I like that and it can be easily changed to fit many a situation.
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