Sunday, December 16, 2007

You see a Hydra....... (update 12/16/07)

The party gathers at the pit of seven jaws.

They peer down into the darkness. They can barely see the bottom of this perfectly carved pit. the outside walls have a corrugated mettle stairwell. Each wall drops down 15 feet. By the time one descends each wall you would have reached the bottom of the pit 60 feet below.

The party tentatively moves down the stairwell. Donner making his way first due to his dexterity and speed. About 3/4 of the way down rushing out of a dark fisher in the side of the cave comes a seven headed hydra. The breath emitting from its heads are so terrifyingly cold that Donner immediately drops to near unconsciousness.

The rest of the party charges in. The heads of the hydra snap and blood flows freely. Pepper uses fire rays aimed at the heads trying desperately to rid this foul creature of at least one of its attacks.

Other party members purposely drop off the edge of the stairs to save their monk friend. Bolgrim becomes a healing fiend. All energy goes into keeping people up and alive. The rest of the party wounded from gnashing teeth, and the breath weapons does what they can to damage this thing. Unfortunately, wounds heal so quickly each round that it is astounding. Yet the damage being imparted on the Hydra are adding up faster than it can heal.

Conell does a heroic attack and luckily severs a head from the creature. Peppers fire is damaging different heads causing another to collapse and go limp on the stalk of the creature. The Vanguard is terribly wounded and spells are nearly depleted. Every member of the party is terribly wounded when the final blow is laid upon the creature.

The Vanguard chooses to leave the hydra in the fissure blocking any creatures from coming from the underdark to the surface. However, they do cut off many chunks of meat and cook pounds of it to help restock a few days of supplies.

That night they make camp at the bottom of the pit. From there they set up watch and hopefully regain what they can from the days trials and tribulations. While on watch, Barrett sees the silhouette of a massive human chatting to itself and sniffing loudly. It takes a tentative step onto the stairwell. The stairs put up a loud grunt of strain.

At this Barrett quietly wakes up the rest of the party. As he is quietly waking the party those awake hear the bark of an order and then this massive wolf taking orders from this huge "person". A few rounds of rapid preparation and the wolf is bounding down the stairwell.

Churchkey and the wolf go head to head. The wolf throws Churchkey to the ground. Conell charges up the stairs to aid Churchkey taking a swing at the hound. Others move into key positions and shoot at the giant on the stairs. Bolgrim uses this opportunity to make a magical mace attack the giant whacking at it and drawing blood. At this a 30 pound rock comes rocketing toward Connell. People hear a sickening crunch and Connell is moans. He luckily resists the take down of the wolf but is still severely bloodied by the thing.

Attacks begin to concentrate on the wolf. Connell tries one more round of combat but makes his way off the side of the stairs. Bolgrim boosts Connell with shield other. At this, it is Donner's turn. He is also able to resist the wolfs take-down but not the savagery of its bite. Nor the devastation of the boulder the crashes into the side of his head.

The wolf lasts for no more than a few more seconds and the Vanguard pushes their bodies against the walls protecting themselves from the rain of stone from above.

The Giant charges down the stairs. The stairs drop loads of sand and gravel as the weight of the creatures causes them to shutter.

The giants club is devastating. It can't seem to miss and tosses the brave warriors about. Donner is knocked almost to nothing. Connell in his attempt is tragically beaten but Bolgrim magically takes half the damage. Bolgrim swallows hard at the devastation of what Conell is taking.

Healing, and a strategic balance of trying to surround the giant goes into play. It takes a bit which causes Conell and Bolgrim to suffer another round of terrifying pain. But then all are in place. Churchkey swings swiftly and accurately cutting deep into the back of its legs. Barretts chain lacerating its arms and torso. Donner darts in and out distracting the giant and damaging him at the same time. Beams of destruction emanate from peppers hand and healing is being dispensed without prescription or doctors order from Bolgrim.

The giant finally falls. That next morning the party is stiff and sore. They are tired yet refreshed from their recent success. Two mighty foes felled by their bravery and skill. They have learned a lot and what they have learned they are now putting to practice.

Getting a late start to the day, they remove the hydra corps and make their way into the fissure. The fissure opens up into a slanted cave that heads deep into the mountains. the system is huge. Ceilings are high and cavern are wide. At times there are shafts that dart off in different directions.

After about a 1/4 of a mile they run into what looks like a well used tributary cavern. Definitely not the major rout, but used recently. They do some investigating but realize there is nothing of interest down the corridor.

A bit later they enter a larger cavern. Other exits jut off from this 40 foot wide cavern when out of the darkness their is a flash and three of the Vanguard are jolted by the power of the electric charge. They draw weapons and jump to action. They see a partial humanoid/spider levitating into the air and a mass of webs entangles the group.

Churchkey is altogether out of the web and attempts to destroy the creature but can not reach it. Bolgrom, stuck, casts a freedom of movement and quickly exits the web. Others slowly make their way towards safety. But the going is tremendously difficult and slow.

With only two of the Vanguard to stop this strange and revolting hybrid, Bolgrim dowses the creature in a searing light. With a wave of the creatures hand, it commands Churchkey to leave the cavern. Churchkey feels a subtle want to leave but brushes it off and gives a crass but arguably appropriate response to the creature. Bolgrim again dowses the creature in the light of Pelor.

At this the rest of the Vanguard is slowly escaping the webbing. The creature jolts both Bolgrim and Churchkey with another bolt of lighting and rises another 20 feet higher. The rest of the party attacks and without much trouble, it comes crashing down violently to the cavern floor.

After a bit of searching the party heals up and continues down the cavern system. They can feel the humidity rising and the dirt underfoot is damp and well churned. The walls of the cavern are wet and long ribbons of calcium deposits decorate the walls.

The party then looks down 200 feet at a briny phosphorescent lake. It must be at least 1/2 a mile across. On the opposite side there is a strange building with odd angles and organic structures. It has a stairwell rising out of the briny bottom and into a giant mouth, making the entrance to some large building that looks like a giant prehistoric amphibian of some kind.

The group makes their way slowly down the switchback of stairs that take them to the bottom of this cavern. The lake is murky and a the water warm, making a mist cover the lake.

Peering over the lake at the structure there is no evidence of life, nor are their any boats on this side of the lake. A few moments pass when out of mist a huge canoe paddled by large toad like creature expertly parks the boat. He then croaks something and sits on his haunches. Unlike the picture, he is not holding a weapon, but there is one readily available.

Nervously looking for a clue as to what to do, the party looks at each other. Conell then takes the plunge and steps into the canoe. The unstable boat wobbles and bobs but does not tip. Churchkey raises his hand sliding his fingers together in the gesture of money. Conell mentions the name of Zenith. It croaks some unintelligible response to Conell, that no one can understand but Bolgrim was able to hear the word Blipdoolpoolp contained within his words.

At this the Kua-Toa expertly poles the canoe and then switches to a paddle. The 6-10 minute journey is silent. The canoe is tippy and those in armor are more than nervous. As they get closer to the stairs that lead out of the water the Kua-Toa switches back to a pole and saddles the canoe sideways into the stairwell.

He anchors the Canoe and silently leaps into the water with only his huge eyes exposed above the water. He watches the party as they say their thanks and begin making their way into the fishes mouth.

NOTE: The wacky stairs are a bit of an artist gone bad. ignore all the crazy stairs with the exception of the main stairs going into the mouth. Otherwise it is pretty accurate.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Umberhulks? Deceit and Dragons? Oh whats the world comming to?

Thanks to the literary prowess of Mansir, we have an update far sooner than expected. Thank you and thanks to your writing abilities! It took no more than a few name additions and a few additional facts for this post to become a reality. Mansir... your so cool you are Bolgrim!

"Found it" Barret grudgedly sneered from the low-lit space.

"That sneaky lil bastard had it the whole time. Cripes, I have no idea how anyone could sleep with those things mucking aboot. The short bugger even had a bed made from webs. Ack!"

After much ballyhooing around the caverns and avoiding horded swarms of small arachnids and other crawly denizens, the party finally returned the remaining wands to the Cauldron. The water there was contained and in time the rain wisped away to a petty mist.

The party had some free time to themselves for a change. Donner went back to work, as did Bolgrim. Churchkey met his leading lady with a newfound fervor. Connel returned to help at the orphanage and was given a hero’s welcome from the children. Pepper spent time at the building site of the new cathedral and in his studies. Barret once again did what Barret does. No one knows for certain, and few are brave enough to question him.

The party learned their aged paladin friend had been traveling to and from the Demon Scar. He remains something of a mystery still, rumors are he has returned a man perhaps tainted? Cursed or not, he remained unavailable until another time.

There was also a noted increase in the number of guards. It turns out the new tax was being used to hire 1/2 Orc mercenary guards. So far they seem to be doing a pretty good job.

They have also been impacted by a whole new tax system: this was brought to the forefront by an issue of the Cauldron Broadsides.

Time passed while the party enjoyed being in the daylight again. Ah, beautiful daylight. Pelor graces us with these glorious days after the rainfall.

Barret has purchased part ownership in a bar.

Everyone went for an afternoon lunch in his newfound establishment. The party gathered to discuss their future plans and newly found wealth over some warm food, when Donner and Bolgrim noticed a distant low echo from... underneath? The water in the glasses rippled faintly.

Donner decided to step out for some air and ease his curiosity. There were the crowds shopping, buying goods from the butcher across the way. Down the street near various storage houses, young kids watched a puppet booth, laughing and lost in the show.

Brick and wood exploded across from the children. Dust billowed into the air and screams ensued as people ran around in utter chaos.

The party quickly sprang into action! Pepper, Churchkey, Bolgrim and Donner went out the front door and was met by panicked mobs of townspeople. Barret vanished out the back, while Connel followed quickly.

The clouds of powder and residue cleared, the large monstrous creature more then the height of two and a half men, swung its massive insect like arm into a corner of a building instantly tearing it down. Mandibles and a shell like hide bristled with extra spikes and nasty bits and protected it from any falling debris. The eyes, not two, but four total gave off a radiating gaze aura. Donner started to babble incoherently. Churchkey valiantly strode up to meet the hulking, dark burnt umber colored menace.

The crowds behave strangely, some running away, others pouncing on each other, yet while others just stood there in utter confusion.

Barret arrived from the shadows and aided Churchkey in trying to bring the beast down. Connel plodding down behind the rogue, had a strange cumpulsion to severely strike down a villager in the way. Spiked chains cracked and light erupted. Swords met tough carapace as half orc guards joined in the fray and screams and yelling continued. Chaos ensued and more buildings were brought to ruin.

Then, the creature plowed straight down into the ground, through solid rock and completely vanished.

The party gathered closer together and tended to the wounded. Connel in a fit of guilt brought the dying man to consciousness and profusely apologized to the villager with the gaping chest wound and promptly healed him. Barret quickly put his ear to the ground.

“I hear it.” He said.

The party and the guards prepared for the monster again. They steadied themselves as the thrumming got louder.

Another explosion erupted from inside the other warehouse, and within seconds the wall was demolished in front of the party. The umber hulk emerged and was quickly beaten. As the body now lay lifeless, the crowds gathered. People were healed and a search inside the warehouse by Barret revealed the ground adorned with sigils. Later it was confirmed the creature had been summoned. No one knew who, but suspicions erupted rumors of a rider leaving town on a horse whose hooves didn’t touch the ground.

Later that night the Vangaurd gathered again at the Slippery Eel. Lady Taskerhill decided to play a show to sooth the masses and bring about some calmness that had befallen the area earlier. Lots of locals and nobility showed up to witness the event.

The party was approached by the lovely Celest and presented an invitation for a future business endeavor. She asked the party to meet her and her business associate at the Cusp of Sunrise, the most upper class establishment in Cauldron.

The party accepted and later went to the meeting hall. The establishment welcomed the party with Celestes' invitation in hand. The drinks were meticulous and food was utterly amazing. Some low stress gambling ensued, but more as a social event. Later the party was directed to a private backroom where their dinner would be served.

The ancient dwarf sat, propped up by pillows. The dwarf seemed proud, yet seemingly fragile all the while. In between gasps of breath, he informed the party of his request. He had three sons that he stubbornly drove away. His wife, unhappy she never was more a part of her offspring’s lives due to his bull headed ways, cursed him on her deathbed. He seemed wracked with pain and struggles everyday while this curse remained. Two of the sons have been found. The third, named “Zenith” has been located in the Underdark.
The city sealed up the current way into the caverns below, but the party learns there may be and opening in a fissure. Celeste and aged dwarf, Davked, tell them of an old hermit... Crazy Jared. He lives atop a peak about 4 days walk north of Cauldron. Find him and you will find an entrance into the Underdark.

With that, the Vangaurd sets out on foot.

After a long hike, the party starts approaching the peak, not entirely certain what to look for. Donner notices a quick bright red flash on the horizon that quickly vanishes, followed by a distant rumble.

Connel and Donner start sprinting ahead of the party, certain whatever they witnessed concerns what they came here for.

Churchkey summoned his mount, and grabbed Pepper and bolted after them. Bolgrim and Barret trodded behind them eager to catch up.

The dragon dove down and spewed scorching flames down atop the old man, then furiously roared past him, and whirled around to approach him again.

The hermit laughed maniacally “You double crossing deal breaking overgrown wyrm snake!”

The flying fire lizard, yelling some unknown tongue, bore down on him and belched out another stream of fire that seemed to dissipate around the old man, who continued laughing as the makeshift terrain around him was enveloped in flames.

Some party members drank hiding potions, others went into a quick stealth approach. However, as the remaining members of the Vanguard came over the cusp of the clearing, the dragon reared his head and roared, “You brought friends?”

“Yes! Yes! My army of knights has finally arrived! Hurray!” yelled the hermit boldly to the drake.

In an awesome display of speed the fire lizard approached the party seemingly ready to incinerate them.

Arrows flew through the air, some making their mark. Churchkey fearlessly called the creature out to face him. The party started to mistakenly convene in a small area as the dragon ripped through them dousing some members in a searing trail of flame, and bellowed past them ready to make another approach.

The hermit was furiously running toward the party.

Churchkey trotted forward, lance in hand, and whirled around taunting the creature,” Face me, you coward!” The creature only continued on its path, now enveloping itself in a blue shimmer. Donner called out for healing, and the rest of the party members readied with arrows at a second attack.

Bolgrim ran up to Donner, infused him with the healing power of Pelor, then declared,” Get the hell away from me!”

The hermit was still running toward the party, getting closer. And he was singing!

The dragon bore down a second time. Arrows found their mark, the monk released some mystic energy, and prayers were said. It released a bellow of fire and singed some more party members, then started to make a strategic withdrawal from the fray.

As the winged menace retreated, the old man yelled out in victory, thanking his newfound knights, and invited him into his glorious kingdom… of scorched rocks and smoking bushes?

With a quick wink and a spoken word, the countryside was seemingly transformed into a huge palace, very luxurious and complete with dining chambers. The party started to ask the old man questions and then the hermit told the most fascinating stories with very animated gestures and amazing detail. After a long and arduous process they finally got some answers.

The Vanguard of the Cauldron received a handmade map of the entrance to the Underdark..."The Pit of the Seven Jaws"

Dun DUN duuuuuuuuuun.

Stay tuned for what happens next...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

WWBD (What would Bolgrim do?)

This will be a shorter post than most. Mostly because Bolgrim destroyed somewhere on the order 40 undead creatures over the course of adventuring. So, with that being said lets do a little retelling of this great tale.

First off the Adventurers spend a little time cleaning up after the great ball. Then the party made their way back to their respective homes and slept for a good 9-10 hours. Everyone was totally exhausted.

That morning Anna Taskerhill and Churchkey have a private talk and then take off for Cauldron Lake and begin sandbagging. They have a short interaction with Jenya who they convince to get some sleep.

Other party members run some errands around town and then make their way to help with the flood relief efforts. Conall arrives a bit later than everyone else, but his bowls are now moving at the correct speed.

Barrett does a bit of info gathering and spends some time listening to the theatric reading of the Broadsides and then takes a copy for himself. After reading this document it brings up a lot of issues both political and social.

That evening, at the insistence of a much rested Jenya. Churchkey gathers the party and they set off that evening for the strange ruins to try and gather the last three wands of water control, not to mention the removal of one wickedly tough creature. Anna Taskerhill takes charge of the efforts to build some temporary dikes and help move those citizens who have just lost their homes and businesses.

The party enters the long tunnel from the jungle into the side of the mountain. Not more than a dozen steps from the end of the tunnel leading to the winch and basket mechanism, Churchkey notes that the ground is littered and splattered with blood. Yet before them stand two of the four guards. After yelling for their attention one of the guards turns and part of his face slides a bit to the right and flaps open all the while the "guard" moves forward mouthing words with no voice.

The party jumps into action and shortly Bolgrim announces that skelitons are susceptible to blunt weapons, but zombies are susceptible to slashing weapons. Everyone does a rapid weapon change as two more zombie guards come out of the guard house. It takes no more than a few rounds of combat, but at this time, the party finds out that these zombies hit really hard.

After a scouting mission using spider climbing it is determined that the beach head has somewhere around a dozen undead on it. With a bit of wrangling they are able to get Bolgrim and Donner to the roof top of the other winch house. Here they wait all of a round and then Bolgrim summons the holy light of Pelor. It was unknown until this time that zombies sound just like really big mosquitoes hitting a bug zaper when Bolgrim is around. It takes out 8 zombies the first round.

A few more rounds go by as the rest of the party is lowered to the beach head. A few rounds of combat but with no real danger.

From here the party makes their way to the carvers where they were last time. Here they make a slow walk into these tainted caverns. The very first cavern has well over a dozen skeletons and zombies. The party waits for Bolgrim and then 10 of the creatures are removed from the combat.

There are a few more combats with random zombies and skeletons. Pepper even destroys a group of normal skelitons and turns some zombies... saving the more serious and devastating turns of Bolgrim.

Heading down the caves where the howling beast came from the party is moving cautiously when there is a great explosion. Churchkey and Barrett are both injured by some sort of magical explosion. At this they hear howling.

Moments later wave after wave of undead come pouring from the upcomming chambers. Bolgrim takes out the first wave with holy fire that turns these damned creatures back to the a peaceful death. Combat is a bit deadly, but not too bad.. when the howling beast emerges.

The last remaining zombies are removed from combat and the party concentrates on this deadly and sickly creature. Donner does a nice job of flanking it and the rest of the party begin to slowly surround this thing... undead or demonic, no one knows.

After far too many rounds it finally dies. It is searched and a good 1/2 hour is used to remove the armor and spiked chain that are actually woven into the fabric of this creatures skin. They also find some wands (some look like the water wands and others do not).

after a bit of healing the party makes their way back towards where they fought the T-Rex. Here they run into a number of waves of undead. Again the holy word of Pelor removes any threat of note. One combat however is just a few zombies and wanting to save the last few of Bolgrims turns for larger combats the other holy men step up to the plate.

They are able to turn the zombies but not destroy them. After killing the few that remain in the chamber they chase after the one that got away.

Turning a corner the party sees a large room rittled with small little glassy gem like flecks of stone in the walls. The light sources are reflected like disco balls around the room. In the dead center of the floor is a very large dark stone alter, coffin, chest. But it is big and boxy.

The party quickly disposes of the zombie in the room and investigates the box. It turns out to have a lid and is also coated in some kind of poison. Using some of the keys found in the caves and some ingenuity they lift the lid only to find two mummified creatures rise from the boxes recesses. Shielded from the fearful nature of these creatures Churchkey runs into battle.

Unfortunately, Bolgrim, Barret and Pepper make a run for it. The fear effect is to strong. Conell, thinking quickly casts a remove fear spell and Barrett and Pepper shake of the fear affects. Conell then has a dickens of a time running after Bolgrim. wishing the dwarf was not wearing those damn magical boots.

Churchkey and Donner take up the front lines attacking these mumified beasts. A few rounds later the now freshing emboldened Barrett and Pepper add backup to these two front-liners.

The mummies finally stop moving and the party can take a look inside the chest. Here they find money. Now when I say money, I'm not talking about $20 that you forgot in your jacket pocket from last winter and then suddenly go..."Hey, cool! lets get a beer". No, I'm talking about the kind of money that might fall out the back of an armored vehicle, help pay down your mortgage sort of money.

It is here our party awaits to adventure again. To finally finish this damn ruins and save the city from the ever rising waters of crater lake.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Warhammer Delights

After spending many hours jamming on my "axe" at Eric's house. I went home and got a minnimal amount of sleep before heading over to Tako's. Yep a sight to behold... the other side of the DM screen.

Ben came to town and although we got a bit of a slow start by Saturday evening we were rolling allong. When sunday hit my brain was fried by we slogged on. 3:00 was quitting time but by then we had:

  • Advanced in a new career
  • Helped uncover an ancient tomb
  • realized we were being hunted by some gray robed bastards
  • sent on a wild goose chase to find out more about our strange tattoos
  • Ended up in Kemperbad and a bizarre haunted house were we encountered a daemon and a surprisingly large number of ghosts and undead (if only there were turning in this game).
  • went back in time about 500 years
  • Trecked to Middenheim {oops. I mean Marienburg} only to find out some kind of great disaster is going to happen in the next month or so.
  • Uncovered some astrologers and astronomers as well as scholars of a variety of sorts that all confirm that some time in the next month the chaos moon will eclipse the sun.
  • We also found out that one of the more prominent (yet unbelieved) scholars thinks that this event will unleash a daemon of such terrible power that it will put the gods to shame.
  • So, we are off with a tooth of a great daemon in our hands looking for an "egg" so we can try and stop the second coming of pure chaos on our planet.
Thanks Ben... for a moment I thought I was the only one who put joy and sunshine into the the plots and stories told from the DM's seat.

Thanks for coming to town. Hope to see you soon.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/28/07 recap... Demonskar Ball

Remember, I am only stating general information. If you did something in particular or learned something you want to share please post that information.

The party returns from the cave... beat up, tired and totally spent of resources. The party splits to do their own thing until the Demonskar Ball begins. A group of people head to the church of Palor and St. Cuthburt but finds no one there but a few of the most minor of acolytes. In search of Jenya (Head mother of St. Cuthburt) and Kristof Jurgensen (head priest of Palor).
Finding them at Caulderon Lake sandbagging and help the 500+ citizens fight the flooding. The first row of lake front houses and business have all been destroyed. The desperate fight to keep the next row from flooding is taking all of the peoples energy. Lantern Street Orphanage is close to being flooded and with the help of some of the wands and many people sandbagging the orphans are hoping and praying for success. Jenya heals Donner for 15hp and after a 20 minute discussion and strong debate Churchkey convinces Jenya to attend the Demonskar Ball. By attending the ball she will actually gain some honor and get in the good graces of the Nobles in town. She reluctantly agrees. The rest of the city is hosting their own family gatherings honoring the history of the City of Calderon. Local pubs are also hosting their own formal dances and feasts, but nothing with even a close proximity to the elegance, grace, quality of food and drink and historical information. Otherwise, the Vanguard of Calderon bath and sleep until mid-afternoon where they begin to prepare for the ball.

When the party arrive they notice a large throng of common citizens outside the Coy Nixie and the gathering of costumed dignitaries standing high above on the top floor balcony watching the guests arrive.

The party is taken through the glass and gold main doors and up the grand stairs to a landing and Grand Entrance doors where they have their invitations checked and their names taken. A small line of nobles stand waiting to be announced, while two musicians play a harp and violin providing beautiful background ambiance. Churchkey and Annah Taskerhill are ushered to the front of the line and enter to join their families.

After a brief time the Vanguard is announced to the party and many of the nobles smile, acknowledge and welcome their arrival. Most recognizing them from their write-ups in The Cauldron Broadsides.

The party is then free to mingle with the other guests in the foyer or wander through the side door out onto the large balcony. Guests are offered trays of elegant edible delights. Many coming from lands far away with spice combination new and intriguing. Additionally, fine wines, fresh juices and wild drink concoctions flow freely.

Of note the party takes notice of Lord Vhalantru. He is seated at one of the few tables in the foyer. He is dressed in a long beard, flowing gray robes a white wig and a staff. What is most notable is a woman of unprecedented beauty (notably off-putting to Annah Taskerhill who is usually the most beautiful person in a room) at his side. No one knows who she is, but Lord Vhalantru is quite pleased with his companion.

The members of the party mix and mingle. Noting that Cora is completely out of her element in a silver gown, jewelry and a power wig. Todd is obviously not dress completely appropriately. He was to come as a founder, but he came as a "dead" founder. Painting bones and skeletal face to make the founder look undead. His family is not happy.

Anna is of course in her element. She is constantly surrounded by other nobles and guests and her family looks on in glee. Zachary II is busy with his parents mingling and then excusing themselves early to prepare for the next section of the evenings events. Since this year, the Aslaxin's are hosting the ball.

Appearing later into the evening is Jenya Urikas. She comes having obviously washed and cleaned up, but her costume is by far the least impressive in the ball and she is looking a bit uncomfortable. The whispers and rumors flicker through the foyer and among the patrons. No one is rude to Jenya, but there is an air of superiority and distance. Jenya is given courtesy but not welcome.

At the last moments Lord Alek Tercival arrives in full armor, blade, helmet and shield. His equipment is in astounding condition and looks meticulously taken care of. His total irreverence for the ball for a man who an expert in diplomacy is shocking to the whole crowd. Everyone takes a step back and Jenya is quickly forgotten. Lord Tercival is given room and conversation in the room is about nothing else.
Lord Vhalantru quickly exits his seat.

Leaning in to welcome Lord Tercival he whispers something into his ear. They part, pumping their arms a few more times before Vhalantru returns to his drink and companion. At this Donner approaches Tercival and engages him in a 10 minute conversation. This act brings another wave of chatter among the guests. What is more amazing is that during the discussion Tercival seems to waver and catches himself just before a lone tear drops from his eye. Barely saving what ever grace he might still have left.
At this, a herald steps from behind the grand arched doors. The Demonskar Herald is a sight to behold. He wears a robe split evenly down the middle. One half red and one white, and dons a full head mask similarly split - one half a hideous snarling red visage of a demon and the other an angelic handsome blond haired man. In a clear voice (recognizable as the head distributor of the Calderon Broadsides) the herald says-
"Welcome dignitaries and noblemen, denizens of the Demonskar (turning to his left so only his demonic visage can be seen) and founders of our fair city (then turning around to reveal his angelic half). Tonight is a celebration of Cauldron's most glorious and monumental of historical events - the battle between good and evil, heaven and hell, arcane hero and demon general - between the founder of our grand city - Sundabar Spellmason and the demonic lord who sought to destroy our ancestors - Nabthatoron. Please enter through the grand doors to formally greet your Ball Patrons and begin the fabulous festivities!"

With a flourish four servants... 2 as demons and 2 as angles open the doors. A huge room elegantly decorated with floating spheres of pure white light and red light bounce about the room.

Members of the Ball group together in invited bunches... by family or close friendship. The last members to be introduced into the ballroom are the most impressive of the noble families. All other families enter on a first-come basis.

As the party gathers on the stairs to let them into ball, there are a series of heralds to both announce the party to the whole ball, and to do a personal introduction to those at the receiving line.

From the top of the small stairs the party can see the cathedral ceiling and exposed beams sitting thirty feet above their heads. Huge floor to ceiling arched glass windows reveal the lights of the city. Great red banners depicting a demonic army hang the full height of the wall between each window on the right hand side of the Ballroom while equally impressive gold banners showing an army of knights, commoners and robed wizards hang along the left wall. The floor is freshly polished and reflects the light from the candelabras in warm hues.

On the far side of the room is a large stage. On the right side of the stage is a full band in demonic costumes. On the left side of the stage is a choir in angelic outfits. The band is playing music and the choir is providing accompaniment ideal for adding atmosphere soft chatter and socializing.

Servants fitter about in simple costumes carrying morsels of exotic foods. Bits of spicy meat, dough wrapped around tender spiced vegetables, cheese imported from foreign lands etc.

At the top of the stairs, the herald gathers the invitations and in a clear voice announces "now entering the Vanguard of Calderon! First up, Pepper etc. etc." From here guests go by the welcoming party accompanied by a personal servant for introductions...

First up: Margaret and Zachary Aslaxin I (the hosts of this years party) While entering Pepper overhears Margaret analyzing with a bit of contempt the previous couples costumes. Once introduces, Margaret's eyes light up and she thanks the party for such heroic acts. Zachary I is equally glad to see the Vanguard at the party. They give special thanks to Connell for his running race. She also whispers to Connell that after 1st dessert he is to meet her in the foyer so that he can prepare to change costumes into that of Nabthatoran.

The party chats quite adeptly with her and gives obvious pleasantry's and complements. This quickly becomes a very brief but complementary discussion of the parties heroics... especially focusing on the Orphans and the recent recovery of some wands to help with the flooding of Cauldron lake.

Second up: Zachary Aslaxin II.
Before Zachary can say anything, Margaret interups and says, "Zachary, no doubt you've heard of the famous Vanguard of Cauldron?" Zachary replies with open contempt dripping from each word; "Of course mother. They are Cauldrons saviors after all."

At that, Zachary II says really nothing else to the party.

Third up: Lord Mayor Severen Navalant
The 12 year old Lord Mayor speaks with authority and confidence, politely thanking the party for their work assisting the town guard in rescuing the kidnapped orphans and retrieving the wands.

Donner and Bolgrim both note that the Lord Mayor is making furtive and relatively frequent glances over to the side where Lord Taskerhill watches on.

Additionally, standing a comfortable 5 steps behind Mayor Severen Navalant is Lord Vhalantru. Mainly to be an adviser and emergency backup.

Fourth up: Embril Aloustinai (Lord Mother of the Temple of Wee Jas)
Embril is dressed to appear as the angel of death, with black wings, thick black robes, gloves with appear like skeleton hands and a scythe. Her head and exquisite facial features have been left untouched.

Embril appears very cordial and formal. She thanks them for their bravery and heroics in the city, "Your skill at arms and bravery in battle are more than welcomed in our fair city. The church of Wee Jas rejoices at your success and offers you aid whenever you need it."

Donner speaks up and offers their aid at any time and puts in a slight sexual overtone. Embril responds quickly and in a way that totally takes the characters back, "I did not realize that your skills included charming ladies also." Then gives a very gorgeous and alluring curtsy.

Fifth up: Asfelkir Hranleurt (The half-orc head of the church of Kord)
This nearly 7' giant of a half-orc towers both in height and in muscle mass. He is imposing even without armor and weapons in hand. His only response to the party is curt and a bit dismissive.

Sixth up: Lord Alek Tercival (Protector of St. Cuthburt but was missing for months and reappeared a few days before the dance)
This aging legend is fully armed. His gray hair is short and his face has aged. Normally he would be located next to the Aslaxin's but due to his faux pas he has been moved to the end of the line. Alek is warm and flamboyant, eager to share heroic stories and his opinions to anyone and everyone. He is wildly informal and is offending noble after noble with his behaviors. This is especially strange for those that realize that not only is Lord Tercival of Nobel class, but is also a Paladin and one of many years.

The party begins to scope around the room. Barrett begins chatting up the servants and many of the other nobles trying to glean information about the Stormblades. The others are mixing and being greeted by noble after noble thanking them for their deeds.

Finally one of the last to be heralded into the party are Lady Annah Taskerhill and Paulus Matrius. Once everyone is in the ballroom Proffessor Palendor approaches Connell with some concern that the least etiquette understanding of the bunch is going to be on display, expertly takes him aside and sneaks him behind the stage curtain. Here he goes over many of the dance moves one more time.

Once again the two faced Demonskar Herald moves to the stage and once again addresses the guests

Demonic hordes of the Demonskar could you please stand to the right of the battlefield. Heroic founders of Cauldron please move to the left.
(Most guests quickly move in to place familiar with the annual ritual)
(Placing one finger to his lips dramatically until the guests are quiet, the herald once again continues)
After losing his arm and legendary blade – Celestia ,slaying the horrific dragon Vittris Bale, Sundabar stood without a weapon to face the demonic general Nabthatoron and his approaching infernal horde.

The beautiful feather winged angel Nidrama appeared to Sundabar heralded by a song of heaven while he stood alone one morning in the jungle. She told him of her belief in his strength and wisdom and granted him a weapon to combat the evil that threatened to overwhelm his forces – Alakast.

Tonight we honour Nidrama with our own ‘Song of Heaven’, a competition to see who will be our angel this evening and reward Alakast to Sundabar during the Demonskar Dance.

I humbly invite last year’s angel to the stage to defend her position - the beautiful Annah Taskerhill. (Applause follows) Contenders to the auspicious position please step up onto the stage.

A young up and coming performer Lidu Trakal comes to the stage. Annah feels a tinge of anger but then relaxes and takes the competition. Lidu puts on a good performance, but doesn't hold a finger to the talents of Annah.

While the Song of Heaven Competition is progressing the guests are encouraged to dance. Not all guests choose to do so, but if you are young it is most certainly expected. The dance is simple as to not distract from the music. Men stand in a circle facing in, and women stand in a circle facing out. After every verse the women move one person clockwise. So by the end of the song each person will have had 12 partners.

Cora shifts partners and ends up dancing with Pepper. She is not happy and it is quite apparent. But much to everyones surprise, Pepper dances wonderfully, bringing Cora from a state of anger and disgust to one of relative joy. She even begins to put some very complicated moves to her dancing. However, when Cora finally moved to Donner, after a swirl, her foot catches on his outfit and there is an audible "RIP". There are giggles from the audience and a lot of pointing at Donner.

At the end of the song, Annah is declared the winner and is given a pair of wings to wear and a gold staff. Annah will also have a role in the final performance of the evening.

After presenting the Song of Heaven winner the Herald addresses the assembly once more:

As the demonic army moved towards Redgorge and Sundabar used his great elemental powers to defend his people, to the east one of Sundabar’s greatest friends and competitors sought to support her friend and the people of Redgorge with her own powers.

Kozomagon Lidu, was a powerful necromancer, who had founded a settlement near what is now the Cauldron foothills and called it Liduton. Kozomagon had built the village purposefully close to an ancient Kopru necropolis hidden in a deep, dark lake.

As Nabthatoran lead his howling forces against Redgorge, Kozomagon drew upon her powers to raise an army of undead kopru. Instead of helping the citizens of Redgorge, the attempt turned to tragedy as the undead army turned on the Liduton citizens and Kozomagon herself.

Tonight we will reveal our leader of Liduton in memory of the tragedy of Kozomagon. We will announce our Mayor of the Haunted Village.

Find your partner, form the necromantic symbol of Liduton and let the Dance of Kozomagon’s Folly, begin…

There is a scramble. Obviously Churchkey and Annah dance together and amazingly Celeste (Lord Vhalantru's female companion) approaches Pepper and gets him to ask her to dance.

The dance is held on a giant cloth with magical ruins on the cloth in a figure 8 pattern. As the dancers follow the pattern they light up under them. The tricky part of the dance move is the crossing of the two lanes at the intersection of the figure 8.

With some embarrassment on Donner and his dance partner but otherwise some excellent dance moves by Pepper and Churchkey keep the dance progressing well. Annah and Churchkey seem to dance very well together and when the music stops Annah Taskerhill and Paulus Matrius are at the very center of the 8 making them the symbolic mayors of Haunted Village.

During the whole dance. Todd has gone missing and Barrett has a large number of staff members out looking for him. He also places himself at the edge of the dance cloth so as to leap into any fray that might happen.

At this the guests are all invited to feast in the banquet hall downstairs. Upon everyone being seated Lord Aslaxin stand and with a large smile firmly fixed upon his face he begins to speak...
" Lord Mayor, Velhantru, fine families of this great city and honored guests. I welcome you once more to this humble gathering. Once again we celebrate the glorious Demonskar Battle and once again we honour our heroic founder - Sundabar Spellmason. If only he could see today what his great work accomplished and see the glory of the city he created.

(As Lord Aslaxin speaks servants move through the banquet tables giving each guest a glass with a bubbling red drink which white smoke pours out of.)

This year has proved especially difficult to our grand city. We have had kidnappings, thwarted Drow invasions, goblin bandits, Kolbold raiders and potentially disastrous floods threaten our holdings and welfare.

Heroic adventurers have been our salvation. One group, I am extremely proud to announce has my own son, Zachary II, amongst its ranks. (Zachary II rises to applause).

The other members of this heroic group are the sons and daughters of Cauldrons nobility, protecting the weak and strong alike. Collectively they are known as the Stormblades! (Loud applause from all gathered).

Another group has also proved their valor in the past few months. Rising from poorer beginnings than our other heroes but have demonstrated a noble spirit due to the leadership by one who holds a long time name in Cauldron - Family Matrious. (Churchkey stands to applause). They have singlehandedly rescued the kidnapped orphans from the slavers and have also recaptured some wands of water control from a villainous cult and are helping to avert a city wide flood. I present the Vanguard of Cauldron. (cheers and applause from all guests as the whole group are urged to stand)

[In an attempt to shorten this amazingly long entry I will skip a large portion of the meal only to say the following. Alcohol, strength contests and Cora gets so pent up that Annah has Todd get a narcotic to put in her drink to calm her so she doesn't get too "aggressive." Additionally Barrett wins a prize for winning the riddle] The only other large event that I will write in detail is what follows.

The guests attention is turned toward the kitchen doors behind the main table as six servants struggle to carry a massive oval silver platter on which a giant pig rests wrapped in leaves and herbs from the surrounding jungle. The guests applaud and gasp in glee at the massive feast. As the servants pass the main table towards a large central serving table, one servant drops under the weight of the pig and other servants slip and tumble causing the platter to tip. Lord Alek springs from his chair and catches the platter as the remaining servants fall to the floor. Holding the platter and the giant pig that sits atop it effortlessly above his head, Alek calmly says "stand aside humble servants. Lord Aslaxin may I do the honor?"

Stunned by the show of incredible strength, Lord Aslaxin can only manage a nod, and with that Alek slowly walks to the table and gently lowers the pig upon it. The crowd begins to applaud, others whisper in concerned tones.

The End of Dinner has come and Lord Aslxins once again stand to his feet and some nobles, partaking in one two many Bubbling Cauldrons, cheer and applaud their host before he utters a word.

Margaret and myself hope you have been enjoying your night. (Cheers and applause from the crowd) I am pleased to introduce the final course. It is a celebration of the defeat of the Demonskar army and the foundation of Cauldron. The reason I announce this course is because my lovely wife herself made it. (More applause).

Please enjoy.

As Lord Aslaxin sits the same six servants who carried the Roasted Pig earlier walk out of the kitchen carrying a monstrous cake shaped like a caldera. It is beautifully decorated. Lady Aslaxin herself comes out of her seat to cut the cake while the servants carry the slices over to the waiting guests.

Dalam uses this opportunity to announce in an overly loud whisper that last year the cake made him violently ill the rest of the night and that was only after a single bite. The Bradly-Dipinshires reluctantly agree that the cake certainly was an interesting texture but it is the height of rudeness to not sample the hosts own cooking.

The Demonskar Army moves to the front of the room once more and sounds a deep horn of war which reverberates around the chamber, bringing the room to instant silence.

The Demonskar Army marched over the rise, their fearsome drums heralding their arrival and their triumphant roar sending waves of panic through the watching Redgorge defenders. Rising from the demonic ranks, the dreaded Abysmal General Nabthataron rose into the sky above the baying army.

Sundabar stood atop the great walls of Redgorge, shinning like a beacon of hope and unbending strength.

‘Sons and daughters of Redgorge. Today we will end this threat once and for all. This demonic horde will be smashed against these walls like a wave smashing against a cliff. Have no fear, lose no faith, for the gods are with us and we will not waver! Death is the only thing that awaits this evil upon this day – VICTORY SHALL BE OURS!!

Let us rise to the challenge and march to war upon the dancefloor above. Take your name cards with you and let the Clash of Armies begin.

Once the other guests enter the more dimly lit Ballroom they are greeted with the music of the band – a loud march with heavy drums and horns. The audience visible stands more erect and ready by the sound. Upon the floor and scores of large glowing symbols.

The Demonskar Herald once again appears on the stage to begin the dance –

Look on the back of your place cards my demonic and founding soldiers, for their will be printed a symbol. Move to the floor and stand upon the same symbol and face your foe for the last time. Let the dance of begin.

The guests gradually begin to move in groups up the stairs and to the Grand Ballroom guided by the servants.

A wickedly complicated dance that simulates combat ensues. If done well, your opponent won't be able to keep up and will trip and possibly fall. Suddenly the music stops and The Clash of Armies finishes. The dancers quickly move to form a large circle, the Founders on one half and the demons on the other.

By this time Connell has changed into his Nabthataron costume. But his is also feeling queezy. His stomach is churning and can feel a rumbling in his intestines. A foul gas escapes from time to time to make matters worse.

The music begins again, this time more ominous and foreboding. From behind the ranks of the demons Nabthataron emerges. Four founders rush at the character who, again following Margaret’s previous instructions, casts them easily aside. Nabthataron roars in triumph and stalks about his side of the circle.

The music changes to a lighter more heroic melody as Lord Aslaxin dressed as Sundabar in flowing White robes and sporting thick black hair and a beard, steps from behind the Founders ranks.

From the darkened stage the Demonskar Herald’s voice rises above the din –

High upon the city walls the two generals faced each other. The hideous demonic leader Nabthataron towered above the robed wizard, and the soldiers of both armies stopped as one to witness the spectacle. There would be only one victor this day.

The music picks up again and the two dancers first circle each other before combating each other as they preform the complicated dance.

As the dance finishes, the music reaches its climax as Sundabar is cast to the ground across the circle. The music shifts once more to a single angelic voice as the angel Nidrama (winner of the Song of Heaven Competition) steps from the crowd after helping Sundabar to his feet passes him a glowing staff.

The music changes to the heavier darker sound, as Nabthataron rushes across the circle before quickly switching once more to the heroic sounds as Nabthataron, with a single swipe of Alakast from Sundabar, crashes to the ground dramatically. Connel, playing Nabtharon then crawls away out of the circle filling his shorts and expelling more gas.

Once the dance is completed Lord Aslaxin asks Nabthataron to reveal their identity to the assembled gathering. As Connel takes off his mask, Lord Axlaxin immediately notices why Connel gave a poor performance and promptly asks if he is O.K. However there is some laughter and chatter about Connel amongst the crowd.

Lord Aslaxin asks everyone to stand before the stage for a final time and asks the Lord Mayor to the stage with him.

The Lord Mayor Speaks in the assembly –

Tonight is a celebration of our heritage and our glorious city as much as it is a celebration of our founder. Our city survives on the back of our citizens and the direction of our nobles.

During time of adversity we are sometimes privy in great acts of bravery and great heroes of valour. We have such individuals here with us this night and the city council and myself have declared that their actions will not go unheralded in this grand city.

To these ends can I please ask the group who are as noble in character and deed as they are in title to stand next to me. Please come to the stage – The Stormblades! (Applause from all assembled as the Lord Mayor ushers the Stormblades to the stage.)

Due to their defeat of the demonic kobolds and the subsequent retreat of their drow masters, each hero will be awarding with the Star of Valour. (loud applause)

The Lord Mayor shakes each Stormblades hand and pins the medal onto them.

But we are blessed in this city with not just one band of heroes but with two. A group has arisen in our fair city who arose from humble beginnings to avert some of the biggest disasters we have ever witnessed in Cauldron. They are heroes of virtue and of character; they show honor in spirit and strength in their hearts, they protect the commoners and nobles alike.

Please come to the front (signaling to the party)……I give to you the Vanguard of Cauldron!

(After a moment of rapturous applause and cheering while some members of the Stormblades continue to glare and scowl at the party, Lord Aslaxin continues)

The Lord Mayor will not only be awarding the Vanguard of Cauldron with the Star of Valour but also with the White Shield. The Lord Mayor shakes each of the hero’s hands and presents both of these awards. After a moment to soak up the accolades, Lord Aslaxin says - ‘I give you Cauldrons Heroes!’ Begging the Stormblades to gather on stage with the Vanguard of Cauldron. (Prolonged thunderous applause and cheering)

The music begins once more and the Demonskar Herald announces the final dance for the evening – The Founding of Cauldron.

This is a circular, rotating dance, meant to symbolize Cauldron. The dance is easy but no one cares if any one makes a mistake at this point of the night in any event.

A line of nobles congratulate the party while Connel escapes to a bathroom and painful cramps.

At the conclusion of the dance Lord Aslaxin thanks all for attending and wishes them a good night. Servants help guide the guests to their waiting coaches.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dumb Undead Things (recap for 10/14/07)

After a much too short rest the party is still bedraggled and wounded, but 6 hours of sleep and some food in their stomaches did a world of good.

The rains are still filling Cauldron Lake and at this time 200 hundred citizens have had to evacuate their homes/businesses. Those on higher elevation seem oblivious to the trials and tribulations of those less fortunate. The parties continue and food is flowing at parties in nearly every home in Cauldron.

Preparing for the grand ball of grand balls the party has only 24 hours before they need to start preparing... bathing, dressing, gathering the coaches etc. takes a lot of time, and you DO NOT want to be late for this event.

Churchkey sends a well written, if a bit formal, note to Anna Taskerhill stating when the coach will be by to pick her up and his generally anticipation of spending the evening at her side.

The others make some last minute adjustments to costumes and Donner makes a run to Skie's. Here Donner and Skie pass some time and Skie gets Donner to let loose that there is some kind of evil group below the city and it is in fact "THE VANGUARD OF CAULDRON" the caught the fames Triel. Skie gets all giddy and runs out to the front of her shop and with the wave of a wand the writing on the different stones shifts and moves around and with a swoop and flourish Skie places the name "Vanguard of Cauldron" next to "The Storm Blades" as her two highest prospective adventuring groups. But makes the statement that The Storm Blades does a bit more business with her than The Vanguard of Cauldron but says so with a wink and wicked grin.

In the meantime the party is able to get a number of items identified including some slippers of spider climbing and what amounts to a fountain of potions. Not to mention some other magical items that although useful, need to be "altered" before they can be used... such as the magical plate mail with the etched holy symbol of Hextor on it.

From there the party makes their way back down to the lava tube and descends back to the nervous waiting town guards. By the Vanguards command, the guards lower the basket down to the awaiting beach on the other side of the lake.

After a quick discussion of available places the have yet to explore, it is pretty unanimous that they should see what is behind the double doors in the main entrance. They know there is a long corridor, but this corridor could be so well protected, that the doors on the opposing side must hold something of interest and use.

Staying to the walls the party begins to make their way down the hallway. Donner takes the middle to draw any bow fire (if they happen to have missed anyone). While walking a large pit opens under Donners feet. Tumbling forward, Donner rolls onto hard stone and deftly avoids the pit trap which even as he looks back is already almost reset. Cautiously the party continues moving forward and detects one more trap just before their goal of the other double doors.

After steeling themselves they open the doors to be greeted by a room of enormous proportions. It is so large that no one can see the walls, and the echo of their voices conveys a room of gigantic size. Bolgrim steps a bit forward and peers into the darkness. Meanwhile Churchkey is detecting evil. At this the party hears some kind of strange, quite but echos of some kind of clicking sound from the darkness.

The rest of the party spreads out and moves a bit forward. At the edge of their vision is a work bench nearly 20 feet wide and about 5 feet deep. Bolgrim notes that in the alcoves to one side of the door are scraps of mettle. Not sure from what, but definitely high quality material. The party slowly moves forward and notes there are two other work stations perpendicular to the work bench they are approaching. Those benches disappear into the darkness... revealing that this room still has a far way to go before being explored.

Churchkey summons his mount and Bolgrim detects magic. After a bit of concentrating, Bolgrim says there are some dweomers of three domains: Abjuration, Enchantment and Necromancy.

Again the party begins to move forward. It is quite obvious that something was at one point in the recent past being built here. The table was use to manufacture some kind of metal object or objects. At this leaping out of the darkness a creature of obvious intelligence but looks like a humanoid toad with a large toothy mouth and its webbed hands and feet ending in talons.

As soon as it lands people begin to draw weapons and prepare. As everyone begins to move forward a strange chanting comes from the mouth of this creature and then the air behind this thing shifts and buckles and a glowing hoop forms and another one of these creatures steps forth.

Quickly jumping to action Barret seems to charge the initial Toad thing on the table but with a lash of his wrist the newly summoned creature has blood drawn. Others jump into the fray... Some leap the table and Churchkey charges on his mount and trys to bring the point of his devastating lance to a fitting target but to no avail. Others land blows but are amounting to nicks and cuts. What is especially demoralizing, these disgusting things seems to heal wounds in front of the adventurers eyes. At this the Original creature puffs out his throat and lets out a devastating screech that sets ears ringing and the vibration makes hearts beat strange and bones come close to shattering. Donner leaps with heroic agility behind these creatures of contempt. Stumbling, the rest of the party continues to try and land blows when the summoned creature follows suit and lets out a terrible and damaging bellow that just about knocks Connal to unconsciousness.

At this, the party has moved into position and with a few more swings these creatures fall just moments before they were to act and do who knows what other actions.

The party searches the rest of this mammoth chamber and finds wrapped in a threadbare cloak a large sum of platinum some gems and a well made lute.

Upon dividing up the treasure wrapped in the cloak, the battle weary troupe makes their way to the caves that emanated evil. As the party moves toward the collapse in the back of the room they can hear the sound of some material scraping against itself. Its some material unfamiliar to anyones ears. Following the sound, they can also feel a slight thrum in the ground every once in a while.

Rounding the corner, they see a huge T-Rex made of bones. At this, there is a gulp and Barrett leaps to position along the wall. Pepper calls out that this is undead and skellital and thus is most

easily harmed by blunt instruments. At this Donner makes an amazing tumble to the back side of this towering death machine. With a fist of flame he reaches in and does some serious damage to the T-rex. When a grizzly smash of jaws closes upon Barretts arm ripping cloth and tearing flesh to the bone. The wound is gaping and gives everyone a moment of pause.

People swallow and charge in. Connal makes a daring attack and is mauled by the obscene reach of the creatures maw. Connal looks ashen. Bolgrim summons the power of Pelor and with all the might Pelor can give, the creature is unphased. Others close as they dare when the Rex brings another spout of blood from Donner. Bolgrim makes a dash across the battlefield and brings some life back to Donner while Pepper throws and arc of flame that not only engulfs part of its leg, but ignites the brittle bones on fire.

Everyone attacks with full furry and Connal in a desperate attempt to take down this behemoth looses track of his surrounding's and enrages. The rex makes a chomp and the party can hear bones crack and blood spurt. Pepper, loosing his turn interferes and trys to add some life, hoping it will help. Abandonding the creature for now, Churchkey lays on hands all he has and at that a sigh of relieve as Connal gasps for breath barely even conscious, but conscious all the same. Bolgrim again trys to make a dash over to Connal, but can't quite make it without suffering the deadly wrath of this creature.

At this a rivet puncturing bite gives Churchkey cause to breath deep as he barely keep from being hoisted into the air in the maw of T-Rex. Again more attacks as Connal crawls 5' further from the menace. Bolgrim converts a spell and Connel is feeling much better. Barrett shouts that more creatures are coming as two zombified Ogres round the corner.

luckily the final blow takes down the Rex, but there is no rest for our Vanguard.

A few ill attempts at turning and healing what and who they can. The party rushes to catch these beasts at a choke point so they only have to fight one at a time. A slug fest ensues. Pepper is shouting out appropriate weapons and a phalanx is finally put in position. Unfortunately Connal's hit points are not great enough to withstand the damage of these things and falls to the ground. Barrett takes his spot, and his sword. Donner makes the daring flip and moves into a flanking position.

Connal if finally revived again uttering, "You have my sword!" The next round Barrett returns Connals great sword but with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. One ogre falls and the second steps up. The blows continue to fall when Bolgrim opens up with a ray of piercing white light that fills every core of the chamber and every cell of the Ogre Zombie. In moments the creature crumbles and falls to the ground.

The party makes a slow turn and looks at Bolgrim with that look of... "And you were waiting to use that because?" kind of look on their faces.

About 15 seconds of regrouping when they hear howling and barking from a single creature approaching the party. Unfortunately, to leave they must move toward the creature. Churchkey yells, "RUN!" At that the party sprints toward the exit, Churchkey purposely taking the rear guard.

Amongst the barking and howling the party is able to make out the words, "Who enters my domain?"

The party continues to flee and as Churchkey is by the door, a bipedal hound with patches of skin missing and bits of armor are linked physically to its person. Hanging from its right arm is a spiked chain that is also physically attached to its forearm. Yellow saliva drips from its jowls. Churchkey sprints for the beach, the hound follows maintaining the 50foot gap between it and Churchkey.

As Churchkey explodes out the door and onto the beach, the rest of the party is in wait in the basket. Shouts for the guards on the other side and arrows are knocked. A clatter of arrows hit the beach as the rest of the party see the fearsome beast following Churchkey. Another volley of arrows, those that hit seem to impact this thing like gnats to a giant. Bolgrim casts a spell and a magical hammer begins harrying this hound of death. Churchkey is nearly in the basket when the hound casts some spell. Churchkeys muscles begin to atrophy. It is all Churchkey can do to resist when his willpower to keep moving gets him to the edge of the basket. Donner and Barrett help heave Churchkey into the basket while the other wildly shout for the gears to be engaged. At this 8 zombie humanoids exit onto the beach. The basket slowly makes its way across the phospherecent lake and up the 110 foot cliff to safety.

The party lay panting and realize that in 18 hours they need to well rested, groomed and in costume for the greatest ball in the land.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Identify house rules

Borrowed from a friend at schools house rules here are some adopted rules for identifying items:

Spell craft and Bardic Knowledge checks can be used to identify magic items.

Spell craft DCs to identify magic items
Scrolls DC 20 (+1/spell level)
Potion DC 25 (+1/spell level)
Minor Wondrous Items DC 25
Arms, Armor and Wands DC 30
Medium Wonderous Items DC30
Rods DC 35
Rings and Staffs DC 40
Major Wondrous Items DC 40

Examples of modifiers to Spellcraft checks for identifying magic:

Casting Identify (without expensive component) gives a +10 bonus on one check

Casting Analyze Dweomer (without expensive component) gives a +10 bonus on every check made for the duration of the spell.

Characters with the relevant item creation feat a +1 bonus/class level on checks

Bards can add their Baric Knowledge score to their Spellcraft check

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dr. Sigmundus the Evil Dream Stealer

Dr. Sigmundus: The Hollow People

Written by Brian Keaney

ON THE SINISTER ISLAND where strict obedience to the laws of the mysterious Dr. Sigmundus holds sway, dreaming will get you locked up and branded a lunatic, a danger to society and to all who know you. In this doomed and repressive place, two teens that were never meant to meet or share their dreams, cross paths and set in motion that which rips them from the lives they were meant to lead. Together they join forces with a ragtag group of rebel forces bent on breaking the grip of lies and illusions their countrymen have accepted without question.

For fans of thoughtful science fiction and fantasy, The Hollow People opens a window on the unseen worlds that surround us. It is the first installment in The Promises of Dr. Sigmundus. Book II will continue the tale in fall 2008.
"This is a remarkable piece of writing, broodingly atmospheric and sympathetic toward its teenaged protagonists." - The Times (London)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Hillfolk, Alleybashers and Spiders..... Oh My!

The party drags an unconscious Triel and two guards to the basket. With anger and fierce retaliation, Triel is often given a swift whack on the head to make sure there is no chance of escape. She was a little too difficult to have loose. Running ahead, Donner splashes into the rain soaked jungle and clambers to the road leading to Cauldron. From here Donner fetches Jenya and a few town guards. By the time the party makes their way up the muddy climb to the road, Donner is waiting with Jenya and friends.
Jenya was able to do some minor healing on a few party members and was able to recognize that three of the wands were from the eight(8) missing wands of Control Water. Triel an Alleybasher and a hillfolk are all brought into custody. Before the morning light hits the party ducks back onto the mud filled slopes of the rain forest and makes their way back to the lava tube.
The group enters the lava tube tired but feeling a little better healed due to Jenya's generosity. A few guards accompany the party to run the winch so the party can move more easily between the top and bottom landings.
The lava tube gives a welcome respite to the rain, but the humidity and heat are taking its toll. Exiting the tube onto the upper landing greets the party with an unlikely combat. A web shoots from the abdomen of some freaky purplish creature, pinning Churchkey to the wall. The party springs into action. Donner flips and dodges to the back side of the most prominent of the three creatures. Churchkey wrestles himself out of the webbing and confronts the monstrosity. Pepper lives up to his name and peppers the thing with a well placed crossbow bolt. Bolgrim steps up and swings and Connell uses his usual bravado and leaps into the fray. These creatures are not terribly tough, but they can absorb a lot of damage.

One creature drops within the second round and attention is quickly moved to the next in line. At this, the third of these atrocity's nimbly leaps to the top of the giant ropes that suspend the "cage" and at a dead run fades into the dim hue of the light given off by the lake. It takes no more than a few more seconds for the creature remaining on the upper landing to be brought to its knees.

Regaining the party's composure, they pile onto the suspended cage and the city guards slowly lowers the group across the lake and onto the opposing beach. While descending, bits of cob webbing brush against the party.

Landing on the beach, the party immediately makes their way back to Triel's quarters. The room is somewhat minimal but a lap of luxury. A natural hot spring/tub fills the back portion of the room. A chest of scattered clothing and gowns hurriedly thrown about drape across bits of furniture. Despite a long and thorough search, nothing other than some high quality, tailored clothing is found.

Moving back to the "kitchen" the group makes their way to the one remaining door. Here they find some kind of strategy room. A large table filled with paperwork and maps. A very detailed map of "The Lucky Monkey" is prominent as are accurate, to scale maps from Calderon to Sasserine. Here they find a few very well executed attempts on the life of Sarcem Then, at the Lucky Monkey Triel and the others of the Ebon Triad where able to finally take his life and the 8 wands of Water Control. They also find a book written to Hextor in Triels hand. It shows some divine symbols and far too much information for a short perusal. But in the time allotted Bolgrim is able to figure out, that the symbols are those of some ritual where Triel was able to take Sarcem soul and gift it to Hextor. Sarcem is not able to be raised and Hextor has feasted.

Not having time to explore these papers in full, they gather them up and exit out of the only other door from this room.

A hallway extends before them ending at a triad of doors. Moving down the hall they put "plan A" back into action. Barrett searches doors but Donner hears some sounds of people talking behind one of the doors. Busting the door open, the party sees a group of 4 hillfolk armed and armored. They look like they where in mid discussion about something. When combat goes into play. The usual charge into the room. Mighty blows are exchanged and blood paints the walls. Pepper takes up a position in the rear with his crossbow of death while the others exchange painful wounds. A few hillfolk drop from their wounds, when the door immediately behind Pepper opens revealing 3 Alleybashers. Pepper is alerted to their presence when by luck his backpack blocks a deadly short sword from entering his spine. Pepper flees down the corridor alerting the rest of the party as to the Alleybashers presence.

It doesn't take long and the rest of these dirty mercenaries are taken to their grave.

The party explores the last room at the end of the hall. Opening the door, they find an octagonal room that is empty. A quick search in front of the door heads no trap. For some reason, it just doesn't feel right, so Barrett throws a body into the room. The body slides below the stone surface, disappears accompanied by the splash of water. The party opts to ignore this room.

Searching the rest of the reaches of this side of the complex meets the party with torcher rooms, prisons etc. One door reveals a huge chamber that has had part of it collapse. The back of the room splits off into two natural caverns. The floor of the room radiates evil. There is the smell of death and rot coming from the room and the corridors beyond. With a bit of deliberation, the party leaves and continues on.

They encounter one more room with some hillfolk. The party makes quick work of this group, but opts to not enter the natural caverns beyond.

After a bit of discussion, it is thought that the best course of action is to gather all of the goods they can. Bring it back to Cauldron. Donate some of the arms/armor to the city guard and sell the rest for profit... this task falls to Bolgrim and Churchkey. Meanwhile Barrett and Connell decide to smash away at the locked door. To set watch, Donner and Pepper hangout and look through the arrow slits at the main central corridor.

About 10 minutes into door smashing Barrett and Connell see a spider about 5' in diameter and a spider about 10' in diameter rounding the corner. Barrett yells "Spiders!" throws out his spiked chain and shreds the smaller spider. It lies quivering on the ground. Barrett then follows up, "Never mind!". Pepper hears the yelling and lets Donner know what is happening.

The next round Barrett and Connell just about piss in their pants when rounding the corner come more spiders of a variety of sizes as well as a halfling and one of those strange purple creatures. A very large black spider shoots a mandible at connell and reals him in. luckily Connell is able to resist the poison and rolls away from this huge deadly beast. The halfling casts a spell and begins to shift and dart around making it difficult to keep your eyes on him.

At this same time Donner peers around the corrner and sees a parade of arachnids and a halfling. Both he and Pepper retreat further in and wait for 20 seconds or so before they look back into the hallway.

Barrett and Connell spend a round back peddling. Connell again gets tagged by the big black spider. Again, his iron constitution keeps him from succoming to the venom. Barrett is screaming at the top of his lungs and Connell dashes out onto the beach. Barrett puts his back to the door and plants his feet. Meanwhile Connell darts to the central doors and yells for Churchkey and Bolgrim.

Churchkey and Bolgrim come a running. The wand of healing comes into play as it gets tossed back and forth. A couple rounds later being stuffed back in Bolgrims pack. Connell takes up aim with his bow behind some rocks. Barrett yells to get back into the room as the spiders are pushing him aside. He bolts and the party quickly moves back into the main entrance to the complex.

Bolgrim puts his body against the door and Connell moves to the opposing door. Meanwhile Churchkey and Barrett beeline for the heavy table. they launch themselves over to it and begin pushing with all their strength.

Pepper and Donner see and empty corridor and make a run for the door at the end of the hall. When they are almost there they see the end of the spiders crowding out of the hall into an adjacent room. They open the door and look back to see a spider the size of an Ox cart heading towards them. With mad pursuit Pepper pushes open doors and Donner forces the door closed behind them. With veins pulsing he is able to keep back the brunt force of the huge spider.

Meanwhile the Giant black spider is able to open the door a few inches and the little halfling is peering through the crack. Connell feels a definite pressure against the opposing door. The table is screeching its way toward the entrance alcove when Bolgrim turns white, screams and collapses to the ground. With no more than a second to spare the table wedges its way between these doors. Churchkey grabs Bolgrim from under the table and zaps him with the wand. The rest move towards an inner room.

While getting set up, Donner and Pepper enter the room. there is a rough exchange of what happened when they open the door. Stuffing its way toward the party is the big spider. All hands move to destroy this bahemouth of venom and death. They are able to wound it to the point of withdrawal. Players are teetering and cures are expired. Then, its junior makes its way through the door. Potions are consumed and combat continues. Pepper removes a bead from his necklass and expertly lays the bead between the halfling and the purple creature.

With mallace the halfling casts a spell and a horrid flash erupts from his hands. Barrett and Churchkey both drop. Others are charred. The last of the wands charges are used and Churchkey breathes a deep breath. Pepper throws the last of his beads and then Donner makes an acrobatic moves that lands him behind the halfling. Churchkey stabilizes Barrett and Connell charges the little man. Unfortunately for Connell the blurring spell keeps the blow from finding its target.

At this, the rest of the party surround the little guy and drop him. The charred remains of spiders are in the room. As a final act of barely be conscious, Barrett crawls across the room and stabs the downed halfling until he is truly satisfied that he is dead.

Limping and leaning on one another, the party uses some keys found on the halfling and open a chamber. there some sort of animated air creature attacks them. Outside of giving Churchkey a bit of damage, it proves to be of little difficulty.

The room is the fanciest thus far. Books of all kinds line the far wall. Many about Vecna, A race of beings called Kopru and other odd topics. After much searching they find a spell book and a wand. This wand and one found on the Vecna worshiping halfling bring the party up to 5 wands. Only three to go.

With this, the party decide to rest and heal before they see where the other missing wands might have gone. Heck, they have 35 hours before The Great Flood Festival Ball. Thats plenty of time to rest and kill stuff before they bath and get into costume. One thing will be for sure... they will be hungry at the meal....

Until next time.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sneak Attacks and Surprise Rounds....

Before I begin my recap... here is the symbol of the Ebon Triad.

.... laying in wait on the beach in this amazingly warm and humid cave. The phosphorescent lake giving the whole cave a green glow. Staring at the party is the face of some alien looking cityscape with only a few entrances.

following the lead of Barrett, the group makes their way over to a door where the previous set of guards exited earlier. the party lays in wait while Connell begins to move the "basket" back across the lake. Not 15 seconds after the basket begins to move the door opens and a very nonchalant guard exits from the well lit room. Noting the party, her eyes open with surprise and then quickly shut as the spiked chain tears handfuls of flesh from her neck. The party jumps to action. Donner nimbly leaps across the room and blocks access to a warning bell. Others take position.

Combat is fast and furious. One desperate guard makes a run for the bell, gets it in hand but the clapper has but one ding before his life is forfeit. Quickly, the party searches the guards and moves the dead member from the beach into the room. Pepper grabs Connell from the Gear House and they make their way back to the Guards room.

After surveying their surroundings they (annoyingly) come up with a set plan for how to determine what to do at each door. Door plan "A" is put into effect. [personal DM note... the only part I like is Bolgrim determining if anyone is injured..because it is as annoying to him as it is to me :)]

The door opens into a huge corridor that obviously is part of a vast complex. Everything is oversized. What ever built this had to be at least 8' tall or at least 8" wider than the typical human. Of note, they see a door with light leaking out below it. There is also a lock on the door. After some examination the door lock could be opened, but it would take some serious time... 10 min or so. Instead Donner listens at the door across the hall. There is snoring emanating from behind the door.

Barrett sneaks in with the rest of the party in wait. The room is a barracks that can easily sleep 12. Only 4 of the bunks are currently occupied. Barrett swiftly cuts the throats of the of the members. The fourth awakened barely had time to gargle a warning. Waiting... the party hears no commotion.

Continuing down the corridor the party explores some more rooms such as a mess hall of some kind and a pantry. On the back side of the pantry is another locked door and a room where they can hear some jubilant discussing. Listening for a bit longer it sounds like a small group of people gambling. the party decides to do a bit of exploring before they open the door.

Sneaking down the hall they find some more doors. One is stuck and seems to have something blocking it from the back side. After putting a shoulder into the door and then sliding a blade through the door crevice they realize the resistance is coming from a tremendously large number of spiderwebs. The party ops for the next door. This door swings open to a room full of webs, but seems to have lost their sticky nature. Again, the party abandons this room and explores a series of other rooms. One being a long room with a series of arrow slits aimed at a central corridor.

With dead ends or spiderwebs facing the party at every turn, they opt to return to the pantry. Barrett spends a bit of time picking the lock and within they find the beer and the storage of extra weapons. Here the party restocks more arrows and places a few long swords amongst their belongings. Then, with a surprise rush then party bursts in on the gambling game.

Here the party begins to make quick work of this group of guards. However luck and and some fast acting guards causes the party to worry about others in the complex. Pepper quiets the room with a silence spell. Bolgrim jumps on a table to bash in an opponents head. Donner does some fast and fancy footwork and Connell comes in swinging. Unfortunately these guards have some alchemical fire and decide to try and make Churchkey and Bolgrim burn for attacking them. They are relatively successful but pay for their heresy.

Opening the next door they see a room full of taugh sticky lines about 6 inches above the floor. It looks nearly impossible to cross without tripping something. Using the body of a dead guard they throw it on the webbing. With a quick click a net connected to bells drops from the ceiling.

After a bit of deliberation, they decide to exit back onto the beach and reenter the complex from the extreme other end. The fear being that other doors will have similar traps.

After moving across the beach the party opens a room. The room is dark but there was a sound of some kind when the opened the door. Scanning for evil Churchkey looks around not finding a thing until his gaze moves high up on the wall. When four arrows come bouncing across chuchkeys armor. One arrow finds its mark making only a scratch. Connell makes a charge into the room when the floor of the room collapses 6" and little spikes shoot upwards. Connell's foot is part of a shish kabob. Moving carefully the rest of the party enter the room and the combat becomes a ranged melee fest. For a couple of rounds it looks like the Alleybashhers on the balcony with their cover are going to be a real danger. then in one round Pepper fireballs them from his neckless. Connell impales one, Donner deflects their attack and Bolgrim makes it to the far side of the room guarding the only other exit from the room. Pepper is up again and makes a great shot with his crossbow. The rest of the party shoots the rest of them down in another round.

Leaving this room they enter another large corridor. doors dot either side. Donner quickly listens at a number of them but doesn't hear a thing. Choose the first door on their left, the party opens it, only to find another corridor ending in a door. Again they hear voices. Gaining a surprise round the party bounds into this room.

This room is a bit different then the others. First these are all Hillfolk... a little slower, but a lot tougher than the Alleybashers. second, there are 6 of them. Third, there are two other doors and two warning bells and lastly; there are symbols of Hextor painted on the wall and etched into some of the tabletops.

Combat ensues. The Hillfolk are screaming bloody murder. Some try to escape out the doors when an opening presented itself. It doesn't take more then a couple of rounds, to close them off from exiting and taking them down. Of the ones trapped in the room, one totally charges Bolgrim, knocks him over and runs into the corridor the party entered from. Donner tumbles past him and blocks him from going any further. Barret charges into the corridor and Bolgrim gets up angry as.... as... a dwarf who just got knocked down. Connell takes up residence guarding one door as the rest of the party begin to tie up the captured Hillfolk trapped by Barrett, Bolgrim and Donner.

At this... a sexy and scary looking woman wearing spiked full plate with the symbol of Hextor etched into it emerges from a door and casts a spell off of a scroll at Connell. Connell screams for help. Churchkey runs to the rescue. With devastating blows this madam of death swats at Churchkey and with two massive blows of her flail Churchkey drops to the ground a bloody mess. Pepper summons all the energy he has and gives up his turn to cast a spell to hopefully stop their fearless paladin from dying.

The other rush to the room. Blows are landed on the red haired woman of death. Bolgrim brings out the blessings of Pelor. She swings at Barrett dealing another almost lethal blow, but misses her second attack. Barrett dodges back into the room while the other launch into action. Wounded she hits Donner with two solid hits and Donner hits the ground. Again Pepper steps up to the plate and places his energy into Donner. Bolgrim puts massive healing into Churchkey while they watch this maddened woman step back and heal herself with a wand. The rest of the party dodges around her swinging madly. They land multiple blows of substance. She stumbles and collapses.

With sighs, the party drags her back into the guard room. They realize she is just below zero and so stabilize her and tie her up. Strangely, no other sounds seem to come from the complex, no guards, nothing.

Upon searching her, they find keys, four wands and of course her equipment. The party is pretty sure they have at least some of the wands of water control they are looking for.

With a little debate, they are going to take the prisoners back to Cauldron and then return as quickly as possible, before any other occupants wake up in the morning and find the carnage.

It is here where we leave our party.