Monday, April 14, 2008

Riots are a fun and good time... 4/13/08

The party spends a few days at the Lucky Monkey. They heal up, and spend some time getting to know the Red Shields a bit more, who also happen to be at the Lucky Monkey. They were their protecting it while it was being rebuilt. The Necrocants proved to be too tough for them by a factor of ..... well lets just say it would be like a 2 year old and a Mack Truck playing chicken.

After spending a few days helping at rest the party decides that they really need to track down Maavu. Remembering that it was his warehouses that had the Umberhulk tear them to peaces. He was also a member of a secret order called "The Chisel" not to mention he is the merchant leading many of the current anger towards the government. Doing a bit of geographic analysis the group realizes it is faster to take the road back to Cauldron... skirt the city and make their way down to Redgorge.

Upon reaching the city gates Churchkey enters the city to check on Connel's armor. There he not only finds Connel's armor but a number of places where 1/2 orc guards have removed some broadsides and are being quite physical with the locals. Churchkey runs into this phenomena on a few occasions when he comes across a group of merchants who seem to becoming almost to blows with the 1/2 orcs. Anger is very high and weapons are drawn on both sides. luckily by the time Churchkey interveins only verbal barbs have been passed back and forth.

What the 1/2 orcs have been taking down are large broadsides that say this:

It is also quite important to note that Maavu is the one speaking at the meeting that night.

Churchkey quickly fetches the party and into the city they go. They take the day to clean-up and prepare. many people go about and do their own thing... Churchkey gathers his family, the Taskerhills, Aslanthans and some other noble families. They formulate a plan and head down to the city hall.

The streets are packed with easily 1ooo plus people... mostly merchant class who are angry and ready for action. Many are holding rocks, rotten fruit and some even have dirks in hand. To help matters (yea right) 1/2 orc guards in full armor and weapons have been stationed all over the streets, some are even on the roof of city hall with bows ready. At a balcony at an adjoining building are Churchkeys parents, and those of some of the other noble families. The balcony at City hall hold Vhalantru and the young Mayor himself with the protection of Terson Skellerang.

Anna, ready to speak when necessary stations herself on the streets near the city hall protected by Churchkey, Cora and Zachary. As the other party members are situating themselves the crowd is getting rowdy. They note a new, well made platform and podium that has been erected at a spot on the street to maximize both crowd and full view of the city hall balcony.

Tensions are high. 1/2 orcs two deep protect the city hall itself and they seem to be less than restrained in their dealings with the crowd. Meanwhile the crowd, packed tight, is screaming about the taxes, the guards, lack of government control and corruption.

At this time Sargent Krewis and a few 1/2 orcs station themselves about 30 feet from the podium with their backs against a building... they wait. This group seems to be the most well behaved of the guards. Krewis sees to this.

Moments later Maavu climbs the prominent dais and raises a hand the demonstrators calm down a bit. After a moment of silence, Maavu address the audience resolutely:

"Fellow citizens, hear me! Hear my voice, and repeat my words tenfold so that those who have turned their backs on us are forced to hear! Hear me, for I speak for all of us!

My name is Maavu Arlintal, and I am one of you! I call Cauldron my home! I live and I do business here, and have for many years! Many of you know me, and I know you… We are all hard-working, trustworhy people!

Hard times have fallen upon this land! The roads grow more dangerous, and threatens to cut us off from our neighbors and partners in trade! An inn full of people – one of them the high priest of one of our own temples – were all senselessly murdered not a days ride from here! In recent days, dragons – yes, dragons – have threatened the skies and the passes! Stories of creatures unthinkable lurk in the fringes of the wild.

But we are a tough people, and have weathered tough times before! Heroes (at this Maavu points to members of the Vanguard and the Stormblades) and brave citizens like yourself have answered the challenges of protecting us and our lands, though others have been charged with that duty…

But the troubles have also found us at home… We have suffered in recent months, as our sons and daughters were stolen away from us by evil lurking beneath our streets! We have suffered as the rains came and flooded our dear city, and threatened to erode the very foundations of our livelihoods! A vile umber hulk from the darkened tunnels of the Abyss itself have torn through our homes and businesses in broad daylight – I know, for I suffered a great loss that day, though I came away with my life, and consider myself fortunate, and mourn those who perished.

But again we have not lain down, for we know how to get through hard times. Again, we have been blessed by the actions of brave citizens who have put their lives on the line to defend the defenseless. And again, others who should have answered that call have done nothing!

Alas, I misspeak, for actions have been taken. The leaders of Cauldron have spoken through the voice of the tax collectors! They offer promises with each outstretched palm, with each cut they take! For the good of Cauldron, they say! To repair the damage, they claim! To help those in need, they promise.

But what have they done with your hard earned coin? Nothing! Where are the repairs to the buildings damaged by the flood? They haven’t done any! Warehouses stand abandoned, about to fall into the lake! Where are the repairs to the street and the structures attacked by the hulk? They have not been done! And I was not the only one to lose business and property that day… There are many who have received nothing but empty words for their suffering!

As I said, many of you know me, and you know me as a man of action. I am not one to complain without a plan of recourse! I am here to say that Cauldron needs new leadership, a new protector who is not corrupt on power or gold. I am here to tell you that a challenge has been issued for the removal of Terseon Skellerang as Captain of the Town Guard.

I have here in my hand the formal written challenge, which has been presented to Skellerang and the Lord Mayor. This challenge invokes one of Cauldron’s oldest laws, the Law of Peers. Under this law, the five founding families of Cauldron have the right to challenge the office of the Captain of the Town Guard if one of them should feel that he unworthy, immoral, or incapable of seeing to his duties, which is the protection of the people. This law, laid down with the founding stones of our city, has never been needed – until now.

By the Law of Peers, only one of the five founding noble families has the right to challenge the Captain of the Guard. This does not leave much hope that one with the interests of the common citizen – of you and I – will be represented. But I am here to tell you that the one who has issued the challenge is such a person. They herald from one of the founding lineages, but their life has not been one of pampered luxury. They know what it means to suffer, as you do, and to rise above it, as you have before. The challenger is indeed one of the brave, heroic citizens who I have spoken of, who is willing to risk death to protect and help our city.

I am speaking of Alek Tercival.

At this Anna is pulling on Churchkeys arm in alarm. She is completely mute. No sound utters from her body. Cora pulls out a blade and drops into a defensive stance... Churchkey does the same. As does pepper and Zachary casts a spell.

Sir Tercival, a paladin of St. Cuthbert, has issued this challenge in accordance with the old ways, and the Laws of our city. But so far no response has been made. By law, the issued challenge should be made public by the Lord Mayor, but Fatty Navalant hopes to protect his puppet Skellerang by keeping the challenge secret! No doubt that he hopes to send his new army of half-orc thugs – an army feeding off of your bread! – to deal with the upstart challenger with a crossbow bolt in the back! By the Law… But look, citizens! Another puppet of corruption, with his thugs to protect him! Sent, no doubt, to silence the will of the people!

At this you see Sargent Krewis wading in the crowd of people surrounded by six 1/2 orc guards. Krewis announces in a loud and booming voice, "In the name of Terseon Skellerang, Captain of the Town Guard, I must arrest you!"

At this a youth from somewhere in the crowd screams, "Let's kill these half-orc brigands!" At this the gurgling scream of half-a-dozen guards are drowned out by the surging voices of the mob as it erupts into a full fledged riot.

At this litteral chaos ensues. Maavu casts a spell on himself. Krewis and his band of 1/2 orcs are being attacked by the crowd. Bolgrim sees the bloodied Krewis and links their life lines together.

The other major noticeable feature of the mob is that the archers on the roof top begin to fire into the crowd showing deadly force. However a goodly number of them are aiming directly at Maavu.

About 30 seconds later the nobles are missing and total destruction and violence has broken out. Krewis plays dead after being struck by Donner. Bolgrim casts airwalk on Donner and some wicked air-like creature becomes visible in front of Maavu and begins to lay siege on the Merchant.

More and more arrows punction the skin of this leader of the Merchant class and overcoming attacks by half-orcs and arrows is able to quaff a potion and turn to gas. The Merchant "runs" but the air creature follows.

Donner and the creature have a marry chase and combat. Krewis is also saved from the nightmare and deposited on a roof a few blocks away. Maavu gives thanks and flees the city begging the party to meet him at Redgorge.

Merchants have broken into a local liquor distribution warehouse and molotov cocktails, and battering rams are being created and used liberally.

Not long after the riot begins, the entire town guard breaks up the primary mob and restores order around City Hall by arresting and beating many citizens. Isolated pockets of rioters and looters continue to plague the city for a few hours. At this time Vhalantru and the lord mayor appear on the City Hall's balcony where they make a very public promise:
1. taxes will not be levied for three full months
2. half-orc guards will be curtailed and put on a shorter leash.

Town criers quickly spread the word around town and by dawn piece has taken hold of the city. guards are more prominent then ever, but all the guards are human. NO half-orcs are present in the city.

Later it becomes quite obvious that most of this was the result of a very serious discussion by the noble families and the city government officials.

That next evening, a few hours after sunset, the City Hall bell begins to ring, warning the population of a fire. Quickly reacting there is a local inn that is fiercely on fire. a bucket brigade has formed but it is noted that a number of people have refused to help put out the fire because the Inn in question houses a number of half-orcs.

As the party approaches they see a number of burly half-orcs begin chopping down the outlying wooden structures near the inn with their double bladed axes. This is an obvious attempt to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings. From the crowd that is watching the party can hear shouts from random citizens ("go back to the hell you come from mongrels!", "Lets burn away the rot from your human half... FREAKS!") Of course to counter this angery 1/2 of Caulderon another large group of people are busily bucket brigading.

In front of the flaming inn is Pilok Minuta and a mercenary sergeant Rokewko arguing. The innkeeper pulls at his hair, crying and yelling to the big half-orc, "Your thugs are demolishing my inn! Stop Them!" Rokewko ignores the innkeeper and turns away to tell his axemen in Orc to continue. Pilok grabs at Rokewko's arm in an attempt to get the sergeant's attention. Bewildered, sweaty, and visibly scorched by fire Rokewko loses his temper and throws the innkeeper to the ground. The half-orc grabs Pilok's neck with a single hand, puts his foaming mouth so close to the innkeepers face that they are sharing air and yells, "You tiny idiot! You don't get it! Flame-deamons inside kill us! Fire unstoppable! Blades Useless!" As Pilok whines incoherently, the half-orc puls out a twisted scimitar that is only semifunctional after being warped from the heat.

At this a few member of the party dart into the inn to rescue the trapped scullery boy (from the orphanage) while other hunt for the deamon. It doesn't take long because two massive hulking 25' tall giants of animated flam begin attacking those trying to put out the fires.

Bolgrim pulls out a randomly memorized spell from his spell list and POOF! one of the fire creatures disappears. The party assaults the other. After a deadly and scorching combat the fire creature is vanquished. It doesn't take much research for Bolgrim and Pepper to find evidence that these creatures where summoned.

To shorten the events... the next day they party does some research on Alex Tercival and finds a local merchant that Alex has been doing a lot of business with lately. Apparently Alex has been tithing 10% of his earnings to the church and saving another 10%. But the other 80% has been going to paying off his debts and trying to buy back his ancestral land.

Amongst the items Alex brought back to sell for gold are varied and strange. The one with the most noteworth and worth purchasing from the store was a Hegemonic Plate.

The party makes their way to Redgorge to find out more about this plate and Alex Terceval.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Necrocant destruction 3/16/08

Sorry for the tardyness of this post a mere 12 hours before our next game session... DOH!

The party arrives back into Calderon after their two week sojourn only to met with a more and more critical merchant class. Taxes are steep. The light at the end of the tunnel is that the Church of St. Cuthbert has new leadership. Already his divine holiness, Shebeleth Regidin has seeded the rebuilding of the flooded lake district with 10,000 gp and hired 15 full time carpenters and masons to aid in the reconstruction.

Otherwise the party splits up and uses their time in Calderon to catch up with friends and family.

Churchkey looks for Anna but finds out that she is out on a quest on the request of Shebeleth Regidin

Pepper makes some inroads at the church of WeeJas and is asked to work on recruitment of new parishioners and perhaps acolytes.

Donner goes back to work at the blacksmith and spends some time with Shensen. They share some trade secrets. Mostly Donner trains and works.

Barrett goes back to work at his bar. The co-owners are totally peeved about the hit by the taxes. Otherwise Barrett goes around and does a lot of activities as a loner.

Bolgrim: Spends quite a bit of time at the church of Palor. He also reports back to work at the blacksmith.

Connell: works at the church of Kord. He also spends a bunch of time at the Orphanage.

During their time in town the party finds out that there is a new adventuring group in town... the Red Shields. They are just starting and Mery (the halfling rogue rescued from the Malechite fortress) is one of the members, as is the now “older teen” dwarf, Deakon Stormshield, from the orphanage.

The Red Shields are off on the roads hunting down some bandits since the number of troops has increased remarkably in Calderon, the number of guards in the greater scape is lacking.

The ½ orc mercenary presence is quite noteable. Skellerage has his hands full, but it seems as if the security solution of the ½ orcs is his idea and they are doing a very good job.... for the most part.

The party carries on their usual life for weeks.

As time passes. Not much changes except for a continued unrest by the merchants of Cauldron. Taxes, ½ orcs and governmental incompetence are on the tips of almost every citizens tongue.

Some rumors are passed about Alex Tercival... A Gnome peddler named Flismatt met Alex at the Lucky Monkey. The paladin was helping the carpenters to repair the inn. He was, “splitting logs with his bare hands and carry an elephants load on his back!”

When, one evening Churchkey receives one of his usual messages delivered by magic. This one is different. Anna is frantic, calling for help. A group called the Necrocants have been tearing up the Stormblades. Todd has disappeared. The Stormblades clerical abilities could not hold up to the “undead” powers of the Necrocants. The aid of a strange triad of elves have come to their aid... but they are only delaying the inevitable. Help.

Churchkey quickly gathers the party, but encounters some aid from a strange dwarf named Meerthan. This wizened old wizard has some insight into the Necrocants and the Striders. He is the “Charlie” of the Striders and knows that the Striders are currently on the run from the Necrocants. The Striders are running toward the Lucky Monkey.

The party finds out from Meerthan a few very important pieces of info.

There is a secret society called the CAGEWRIGHTS that was founded about 300 years ago. The people that are part of this secret society are lead by a Demodand (a daemon who has been cursed to the prime material planes) called Dyr’dyd.

They are here to reopen the rift that was originally closed 300 years ago by Sunbar. To do so they need a group of people called “Shackle Born”. These shackle born are known because they have a magically hidden tattoo across their face.

Meerthan has started a his own secret organization (the striders) to find out and research more about the cagewrights. He has had to train them from the ground up.

Meerthan has found out a lot about the Cagewrights but not where they live and who they with some exceptions. One of their members is a necromantic cleric named Khyron Bonesworn. He leads an evil adventuring party whose goal is to help the Cagewrights carry out their goals and concerns.

Meerthan knows that whoever is “commanding” Khyron must be a very powerful wizard or cleric for Meerthan has been unable to scry or do any successful divination.

So, Meerthan asks that when the party encounters the Necrocants, to let Khyron live so that Meerthan can scry him and follow him to where the Cagewrights live.

The party quickly horses up and begins riding at a full gallop towards the Lucky Monkey. About 1/2 of the way towards the Lucky Monkey the party meets three of remaining Stormblades, Cora is damaged. Gashes are scabbing over and oozing fluids. She is limping but holding an unconscious Anna Taskerhill. Zachary follows behind. Part of his arm has been severed and is only be held in place by a few tendons.

Churchkey immediately heals Anna from the inner might of Palor. Bolgrim adds a bit of healing to Cora and Zachary just to help them make it safely back to Cauldron.

The party finds out that the Necrocants have undead of all kinds, plus some strange members of their party. Most noteable was the frostgiant. Todd at one point was so mesmerized by the power of this group that he just stopped and although he didn’t help the Stormblades, he didn’t attack them either. They were on deaths door when a group of elves came out of nowhere and distracted the Necrocants long enough for the Stormblades to run.

The elves were leading the Necrocants on a chase towards the Lucky Monkey.

The Vanguard of Caldron jump back on their horses and ride them toward the inn.

approaching the inn they see a swarm of skeletons and zombies. Bolgrim does his first big act and destroys a bunch of them on his first attempt, but finds the zombies to be a bit tougher than first thought.

The Vangard is quickly divided into two attack groups. Bolgrim and Connell are back and are being joined by the now wounded and exhausted members of the Striders. Meanwhile the other partymembers are going after the remaining zombies, a very large undead frostgiant.

Hounding the striders is an insanely deadly sword wraith. Bolgrim is able to destroy this powerful foe with the more powerful divinity of Palor. This alone gives everyone a sigh of relief.

Rounding the corner are a wizard and the high cleric Khyron himself. Donner jumps in and amazingly keeps these two busy. Allowing the others to concentrait on the death dealing frost giant.

Bolgrim again makes a great turn by destroying a backstabbing ghost. Again the party sighs with relief.

As Barrett turns invisible to try and stop the death that is the spell duo and come to the aid of Donner. When Shensen dies at the feet of Bolgrim and Connell. Todd is standing over her. Very quickly Barrett turns his attention from the spell wielders to Todd.

The frost giant is totally destorying people, Bolgrim has been unable to turn this creature. At the death of Shensen, Bolgrim changes hats from undead turn machine to healing machine. Quickly he revives Shensen. At this the party goes to town on Todd, who proves to be more capable then expected. But with a deft wrestling move by Barrett and the vengeful wrath of Shensen Todd dies painfully.

At this time Donner can do no more to keep the spell caster busy and finally succumbs to there arcane powers. Fortunately the lance wielding Churchkey comes pounding over and painfully distracts the mage. Shortly there after the frost giant falls at the feet of Connell, Bolgrim, pepper and the striders.

Barrett has come to the aid of Churchkey and Donner. The wizard realizes the situation and before long is in the air and flying away at a fantastic speed.

At this Khyron casts a spell and disappears. Shortly there after Meerthan shows up and makes his scrying mirror visible to the party.

The reflection in the mirror shows a long ruined stone temple. A figure clad in spiked armor climbs the stair of the temple which is easily recognizable as Khyron. The dark cleric walks through the shadow filled hallway, his footsteps echoing off the ancient walls before approaching the dimly lit altar.

Stooped over the altar with his back to Khron is a man wearing a cloak made of human skin covering his shadowy full plate amour. Shaggy black hair protrudes from his scalp and a great bloodied sword sits at his side. A huge red badger sits atop the altar snarling at the clerics approach.

“I have failed Master” you hear Khyron say breaking the silence, “the Striders still live...”

The man spins around, anger blazing in his blackened eyes. In his blood covered hands he holds the torso of a man who he has carefully begun to tear the skin from. His face is covered in a pattern of blood-red tattoos and hanging around his neck is a necklace of fresh hearts.

Khyron quickly continues – “They called for help and we...”

“Silence!” the dark man raises his hand in fury, “and you came straight back here?! I said never to seek me out unless I summon you!” he screams in anger at his cowering apprentice.

The crazed looking Cagewright shifts his attention to the temple around him, silently scanning about the room until his gaze settles directly on the party.

“and now you have brought them to me!” he screams on the brink of losing complete control.

Suddenly a cold calm settles over the Cagewright and he speaks directly to the scry – “Meerthan, it is you isn’t it. I know where you are now. I will come to take your heart soon.” he cackles before casting a spell and ending the scry.

Meerthan looks stunned for a moment, his face awash in a mask of undisguised fear.

Pulling himself out of the introspection, Meerthan tells them the man is alurad Sorizon, crazed adventurer hunter and sadistic blackguard slaugher for the Cagewrights. When the Striders attacked the Cagewrights Alurad had cut sway through many of their strongest members before Meerthan’s leader finally slew the man with his final breath.