Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Berkeley Rose...are we gaming?

I would like to extend a formal congrats to the man with the new baby.

I suppose Valerie does get some credit :)

Just wondering if we are planning on gaming Sunday the 2nd.
Leave your posts below.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Recap 8/19/07: Flood Festival

Hey guys,

A great session today. A lot happened. I know I’m going to miss something so feel free to add. Remember if you click to title you can see all the people’s comments.

Here are the copies of the Cauldron Broadsides you received this session:

Broadsides #3

Broadsides #4

So we started in the Drakthar tunnels. The party was feeling pretty good but was totally depleted in spells. When voices from deeper in the tunnels were heard approaching your location. The voices sounded nonchalant and were covered by a thick accent. The party lays in ambush. Soon a group of 6 1/2 Orcs wielding halberds come up the tunnels. They see the carnage and stop. They begin talking and mention the names “Blue Duke” and “Xoden” As the group of mercenaries begin to move cautiously forward. Churchkey steps from the darkness of an adjoining cave. He begins to parley extracting little information other than that they all work for “The Blue Duke”, Xoden is their organizer and more are coming in the near future.

After a few rounds of very guarded chatter, the ½ orcs realize they are not in a good situation and attack. They are very quickly dispatched and two are captured. The party marches the prisoners to the surface and turns them over to Sargent Krewis. Churchkey reports to Skellerang. The rest of the party goes off to do their own things. Donner has a long protracted conversation with Skie and hires him to identify a whole slew of magic items. Others pay a tithe and yet others prepare spells while others drink.

The party returns to the caves only to find what was a well stocked larder and a very nice room with three cots and matching clothing for a human, theifling and a dwarf. Most items have been gone through. A ledger or journal of some kind had pages torn from its pages and some other items looked like they were burned. Pepper gathered up the pieces of parchment with writing on it.

Moving forward the party exits the cave system into the jungle.

Here is the last of the Drakthar Way tunnel maps

Afterward, the party spends a considerable amount of time in Cauldron. About 4 days after surfacing the party is in a pub. People are chatting and catching up. Pepper has the most exciting of news. After many hours of pouring over those ripped pices of paper Pepper figured out that:

  1. Chorlyndeyr (sorcerer), Kallev (Tiefling fighter) and Xoden (dwarf expert in engineering etc.) were part of a group of adventuring mercenaries who all work for “The Blue Duke”
  2. About 6 months ago the author of this journal overheard their boss talking to some soft-spoken woman and learned that she was part of some secret society of cabolists.
  3. The Blue Duke keeps a private army of ½ orcsoldiers, and is currently in negotiations with on of the nobles in Cauldron. The noble wants to augment their personal bodyguards but doesn’t want to do it publicly. So they were hired to find a way to get a number of mercenaries to secretly enter the city of Cauldron.
At this time the party is also talking about the FLOOD FESTIVAL. Churchkey, being of noble background, has an in on the events. He updates the party on the ins and outs of the different things to participate in. About the DeamonSkar Ball and the different noble houses.

Most noticeably, the Stormblades enter the pub and engage the party. Annah in her total stunning beauty and wickedly agile tongue puts a few cuts into the party and seems to only talk to Churchkey. Churchkey becomes the utmost of diplomats and does a great job of stifling the statements of Annah. Donner on the other hand makes a number of off hand comments. Annah is able to quickly reply and twist Donners comments but Todd Vanderboren and Cora Lathenmire are both visibly very angry. This goes on for a while until eventually the Stormblades leave your humble surroundings but buy a round of beer for everyone in the bar.

Life continues to go on. Donner is fired from the Lathenmire smithy job. Churchkey realizes that he has lost touch with the nobility of the city and begins to play the politics game again. He also begins to buy good clothing and jewelry to suit his station. Connel begins to workout to compete in some of the games for the FLOOD FESTIVAL. Bolgrim continues working for the Lathenmire’s but has to work harder and under more scrutiny. Barrett does what Barrett does when no one is looking and Pepper becomes a book hound and continues to attend the University.Soon the weather becomes wetter and wetter and Lord Vhalantru calls for the start of the FLOOD FESTIVAL.

Day 1. The parade begins and all are in attendance. That day the city is one big party with sales, hucksters, plays, storytellers and music around every corner. That night the beginning of the “Drink Down the Flood” Competition begins. Bolgrim crushes his opponent without blinking. Connell on the other hand does not fare as well.

Day 2. By noon, Crater Lake is festooned with nearly 1000 boats. Each participant pays 1sp for a wooden chit. Donner and Connell decide to compete. Connell has another disappointing day when he accidentally gets water in his lungs and is drug from the lake sputtering, “NOOOOOOoooooo!” After about 9 minutes of feverish swimming Donner makes a valiant attempt but then another competitor finds a match for his chit and a boat. That evening Bolgrim goes quite the distance while “Drinking Down the Flood” but puts his opponent down.

Day 3. The 12,000 foot running race around Obsidian ave begins. Donner and Connell along with 4 others very quickly break away from the rest of the crowd. It becomes a very heated and tight fight for first place. With a nearly dead heat Connell gets really pissed and pushes himself to the point of hysteria and is the first across the finish line with Donner coming in a very close 3rd. That evening Bolgrim truly goes the distance having 13 shots in about 8 minutes but puts down his opponent.

On this day invitations are sent out for the Demonskar Ball. Connell in invited… on the invitation is a crator with a Demonclaw… that means Connell has the prestigious job of playing Nabthatoron, the demon that was defeated and thus making the area around Cauldron habitable by humans. Churchkey is going on the arm of Annah Taskerhill

Day 4. This day is one of pure joy. The city has 8 stages set up all over the city. Each stage has competitions of juggling, comedy, dance, storytelling, drama, tumbling, music and any other form of performance once can think of.

That evening after 6 drinks Bolgrim looses temporary control over his stomach as it tries to reject the foul liquor being poured down his throat and looses the round.

During the subsequent bolstering of Bolgrim’s spirits and watching of the next round an acolyte of St. Cuthburt enters the Tipped Tankard Tavern. Quickly makes eye-contact with the party and summons you to speak with Jenya Urikas.

When the party meets with Jenya they find out the she just received a message from Sarcem Delasharn via a Sending Spell. He was on his way back from Sasserine with 8 wands of control water to help with the flooding of Crater lake. When the Lucky Monkey inn was attacked. Sarcem is terribly wounded and has retreated to the basement. He has begged Jenya to send help ASAP.

The party quickly gather equipment, gets on horses provided by the Church of St. Cuthbert and makes a very strenuous all night run to the Lucky Monkey.

When the party arrives, it is quite obvious something bad has happened here. The doors to the stable are wide open, all the shutters are closed. You can hear sounds of some kind of construction… or destruction and in places there are wicked streaks of blood across the outside of the building and churned up mud that is stained red.

It becomes quite obvious that some kind of large pile of bodies is about 70’ from the back door and has turned into a giant feeding frenzy for a large variety of carrion eaters.

The party makes a sneaky entrance into a side door of the Lucky Monkey. After about 10 minutes of searching around they discover a lot of rooms that have been destroyed and overturned. Blood streaks the hallways with both splatter and streaking along the floor. What the party does know is that in the common room there are a number of local tribal hill people and member of the Alley Bashers hanging out.

The party does a surprise attack against these foes. Unfortunately luck was not in favor of our fearless party after the first round. Luck favored the enemy but in time the party overcame the odds and destroyed them. The very large Baboons in the courtyard became very agitated at the combat in the common room and started to destroy the doors to get in the room. As part of the party fled the inn to take down the last remaining fleeing Hillman the others began pressing a table against the baboon door to reinforce it.

It is here in the heat of battle that we leave our adventurers.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More 4e info

Notes taken from a Q&A session in at Gen Con. At the bottom I have attached some articles about :Race and Classes.

Of course lots of info is right here at Wizards.

  • Will monsters still have types and subtypes similar to what they are now? Very different. Monsters fill key "roles" in encounters. All the stuff Mike was talking about on the Wizards website, that's all 4E. Mike's on the design team.

  • Is 30 levels just 30 thinner slices of the same loaf, or is it the original 20 slice loaf plus another half a loaf? 1-10 Heroic, 11 - 20 Paragon, 21 - 30 Epic. Here's a great quote from Chris, "A lot of things are going to be changing, and we're going to put most of it in previews on D&D Insider, but I can assure you the Beholder will still only have 9 eyes."

The Team has been working on 4th Edition for over two years. Bill Slaviseck. Leads: Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt. Bill, Andy, Mike Mearls, and Rich Baker were the ones in the front of the room for this. Playtesting in campaigns at WotC (ie, Dave Noonan’s game) for the past several months.

  • Resource Management: All classes have defined roles – a fighter is never penalized for being a “tank”, a “healer” is never penalized for curing, a mage is never penalized for “magic missiling”
  • All characters have at will, per encounter, and per day uses they will have to keep track of. No more mages pulling out crossbows. You will never be penalized for doing what you do best – your clearly defined roles.

  • Encounters will be built differently in 4th edition. There will be much more “situation” and complexity in the environment, swinging bridges, gouts of lava, etc. An encounter is like a scene of a play – could be talking to a town guard, could be defending a town gate, could be traversing the mountainside to enter the shrine of Asmodeus.

  • There will be many more monsters for PC’s to fight. It’s more fun that way. There are very few encounters that are built to be all the PC’s against one big powerful bad guy. There will be more mechanics built to leverage the monsters and THEY’RE fundadmental roles. An ettin will be talking to itself throughout the encounter. This is the “monster’s job on the battlefield” this is how he reacts.

  • The fog of war is much more interesting because when you approach an orc, he isn’t a set of specific stats. He has a very specific role, and you won’t know what it is until he unleashes it on the battlefield.

  • Increase of magic across the board in all aspects of the game.

  • Monster Manual is a 288 pagebook, with over 300 monsters. New format for stat blocks, simpler and easier to use

  • Cooperative storytelling. The D&D world is points of light in a big dark world, sword and sorcery (medieval fantasy). Lots of blank spaces on the map.

  • Greyhawk will not be default setting in core. We want to leverage the assets of the assumed parts of a D&D world – Mordenkainen, Bigby, Vecna, Llolth, Tiamat, Asmodeus, etc. However, we also want to call upon the great mythology that is more commonly known such as Thor, etc.

  • More options, not restrictions. Everyone will be a constructive, useful member of the party, no accidental lame characters.

  • Vancian magic system – there’s an element of that we held on to, but it’s a much smaller fraction of their overall power. A wizard will never completely run out of spells. They can run out of their “mordenkainen’s sword, however”.

  • D20 gaming system – this is still a d20 game and game system. We got rid of the parts that didn’t help it out, but most of the things that work continue to be used.

  • Skill system – familiar but truncated. Getting rid of tailor, rope use, etc. Focus on the skills that are really useful in an encounter. Saga edition is a significant stride forward and should be considered a preview. Same for profression, etc. We want characters making acrobatics, bluff, jump, etc. No characters will be stuck at 10th level saying “oh I never invested in that.” Hide/Move Silent are brought together. Now an important part of your character, and here’s how to apply it to an encounter. It’s rarely a check and done, it’s now, I make a check, and they react to it. What happens now.

  • Primarily focused on physical products (PH, MM, DMG).

  • Living Greyhawk – will be coming to a triumphant close next year, and they will be starting fresh with a new batch of characters and players. This will be discussed tonight or tomorrow

  • 4 parts of 4E: Physical Products, Community, Organized Play – conventions, tournaments, etc. Working much closer with R&D to integrate. Chris Tulac(?) part of the playtesting, in from the ground up. Digital Offerings. Think of this like the second DVD with “extras”.

  • Character Building: Less feat trees, easier for characters to swap out abilities much easier and try different things out. Each level from 1 – 30 each character will have interesting character development options to choose.

  • Personalizing and specializing your character is amped up, it’s one of the most powerful things about 4th edition. If you’re a barbarian, you’re not a frenzied berserker. If you’re a barbarian, you’re a barbarian for your entire career. The frenzied berserker and bear warrior will be at the very end.

  • Multiclassing – lots of compelling and interesting choices. A fighter who dabbles in wizard or dabbles in cleric is something compelling, Andy’s brother is playing a rogue wizard and he’s said in the conversion this is the character I wanted to play all along. The choices and powers are good powers on both sides. Backstab, throw chromatic orb across the room, then teleport across the room. There is no more “crappy fighter” attached to a “crappy wizard”.

  • XP not getting rid, and for those not comfortable with eyeballing it will have a clear time as to when to advance. Much easier for the DM. I’ll build a level 8 encounter, totaling 8000 xp, this one, plus this one = 8000 done. No tables. Monsters have a level, just like characters. “A group vs. a “group” of 5th level is about the same as an EL5 encounter today.

  • 4 player groups as the baseline? They are aiming for right around 5. Encounters are more modular, and now that there are a bunch, it’s a lot easier to scale it. Most data is 4-6 players are 80% or more of the gaming groups out there.

  • D&D Insider – DRM, Downloadable vs. view online. We are still investigating, digital issues will be usable without being connected. Books – You will need to be logged in to use them. Still working out how to make this work for you and for us.

  • Will the Wizard and Sorcerer merge? No. How many core classes? More than 3 less than 15, see the “pre-releases” at

  • “We had an expression from earlier discussions, the ranger kills the scout and takes his stuff…sorry Scout, you’re not going to make it. But now the Ranger’s going to be cooler because he’s taking all your stuff.”

  • Do you know why the sorcerer’s in the game (3.5)? 1/3 of the PH was supporting only one class, hence the sorcerer came about.

  • Monstrous races? Can you still make kobold barbarians? We’re not going to put limitations on the way we build monsters to make them work right. We know there are monsters that will become player character races. For example, it will be obvious how to play a goblin PC right out of the monster manual and PH.

  • Will the D&D Insider authors be considered “canon”? Yes, it is our intention to treat this material as integral to the game and to the campaign worlds.

  • Will alignment be a factor in the new edition? It’s not going to be what it is now. Alignment is part of the story, part of the character. It is a useful shorthand, but too many books and too many players mistake it for limitation. We want to treat alignment as something bigger than that. We won’t get rid of it, but we don’t want it to be a replacement for character and personality.

  • Platform compatability? Starting with PC, because there are more.

  • When can we start to play? Module comes out in April, with Quick Start rules. You could start that early. All the great content in Dragon and Dungeon magazines will be 4e, and will be relevant to 4e. We can start playing a month early.

  • Magical Item Creation – they will no longer use Magic Item XP. XP are NOT a resource to be spent.

  • FR will be the first campaign setting they support for 4e. They will get around to all of them, much of it will be available early on D&D Insider.

  • Every adventure we put in Dungeon magazine will be portable to the Digital Gametable.

  • Magic Item Creation. We tried to fool ourselves into the fact that there was a hard pricing, but we started recognizing that with MIC, that we should look at them more wholistically. There will not be magic item creation rules for DM’s as we realize that as professional game designers we don’t even get it right every time. We’re going to give you lots and lots of examples and suggest that you build it, test it, etc. Will it be easier for a wizard to create magic items?

  • Yes, characters can still build magic items, it will be a way for characters to acquire things, but it will be more flexible and easier. There will be a preview article on this in two weeks on D&D Insider. Three releases a week (this one will be on Wed).

  • Design philosophies on races. There is a tiefling on the player’s handbook. There may also be a changeling (from Eberron). Design philosophies of races. Mike did all the talking, where there will be a very REAL ACTIVE difference within the races that will really make a difference between the Dwarf Fighter and an Elven Fighter.

  • Will we be doing ECL? That’s a good example of something applied to the game to help make somethings work easier. We don’t want to recreate this. We’re not going to give you rules to play a blink dog fighter… There will be many more choices, however, and we want to make sure they are all playable right out of the gate. If say, for instance, we put a tiefling in the PH, we would certainly want to make it playable right out of the gate. So, for example, we might have had to make a lot of the other races a little bit cooler to keep the balance straight between the races.


Why Race Matters

Set the wayback machine to May of 2004!

Even at that point, we knew 4th Edition was coming, though official work on it wouldn’t start for another year. At the time, the design team used to meet regularly in what we jokingly called the “Design Cabal.” And one day, in May ’04, we started kicking around the question of how many slices of pie a D&D character should consist of, and how big each piece should be.

In 3rd Edition, class and magic items were two big pieces of the PC pie. Race was important at 1st level, but by the time you hit 20th, there was rarely much to distinguish a dwarf fighter from a half-orc fighter. The difference between a +2 here and a +2 over there was drowned out by the huge bonuses from magic items and character level—it didn’t matter any more.

We wanted race to matter all the way up through a character’s career. We wanted there to be some difference between two characters of different races, all other things being equal. We had tried out mechanics like the racial paragons in Unearthed Arcana and the racial substitution levels in the Races of . . . series of books, and we liked the results.

In May of 2004, we started kicking around ideas like “the 20-level race.” In a 20-level race, at each level you gained, you’d get not only new class features, but also new racial qualities. Your race might predetermine which ability scores you increased at some levels, so a dwarf’s Constitution would always have an edge over characters of other races. It would grant you new special abilities as you advanced in level, always appropriate to your level, of course.

One key advantage we saw to this system was that it made it much easier to find room for new races without resorting to the kludgy and awkward mechanic of level adjustments. If we spread the tasty magical abilities of drow out through their levels, they could start at 1st level on a par with other character races. Races like the githyanki already anticipated some of that idea by granting new spell-like abilities at higher levels.

Well, over the next few years, things changed, as things are wont to do. We blew the game out to thirty levels, but put your most significant racial choices in the first ten. Above that, other choices started to crowd out room for special abilities coming from your race.

In the final version of 4th Edition, most of your racial traits come into play right out of the gate at 1st level—dwarven resilience, elven evasion, a half-elf’s inspiring presence, and so on. As you go up levels, you can take racial feats to make those abilities even more exciting and gain new capabilities tied to your race. You can also take race-specific powers built into your class, which accomplish a lot of what racial substitution levels used to do: a dwarf fighter with the friend of earth power can do something that other 10th-level fighters just can’t do.

The rules have changed a lot since that first idea of the 20-level race, but they still serve the same purpose: to make sure that your race stays not just relevant but actually important all the way up through thirty levels of adventure.

About the Author

James Wyatt is the Lead Story Designer for D&D and one of the lead designers of D&D 4th Edition. In over seven years at Wizards of the Coast, he has authored or co-authored award-winning adventures and settings including the Eberron Campaign Setting, City of the Spider Queen, and Oriental Adventures. His more recent works include Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave, and The Forge of War. His second Eberron novel, Storm Dragon, releases this month.


Fighters: Choice of Weapons

Here’s a highly probable conversation lifted from the future, one year from today, as two players who’ve just met at a convention discuss their PC choices for their upcoming D&D game.

“I’m playing a 3rd-level human fighter named Graelar.”

“Cool. Is he weapon and shield or two-hander?”

“He’s sword and board, man.”


“Yeah. I thought about going high Con and using a hammer, but I wanted to start with the chance to make a couple of attacks, so I’m using rain of blows as my good weapon attack, and I went with high Wis so that I can switch to the better oppy powers later.”

“My elf fighter uses a spear. I like the speed and the option to go past AC. But you’ve got the fighter covered. I’ll play a halfling rogue.”

The names and destinations of the powers mentioned above might have changed by the time the game is in your hands. What won’t change is that fighters care about which weapons they use much more than other characters. Other character classes have specific weapons and weapon types that they tend to rely on while still maintaining access to a larger chunk of the weapon chart. The fighter is the only current 4th Edition class with capabilities that depend on the weapon they have chosen to train the most with. Even at 1st level, a fighter who uses an axe has a different power selection than a fighter who relies on a flail or a rapier or a pick. In the long run, fighters can diversify and master powers related to a few different weapons, but most will opt to focus on the weapon that suits their personal style, helps their interactions with the rest of the PCs in the group, and carries all the magical oomph they’ve managed to acquire.

Many fighters will opt for swords. Swords have the most flexible assortment of powers. In a fighter’s hands, the longsword is the queen of the battlefield and the greatsword is the queen’s executioner. But each of the other significant melee weapons offers the fighter unique advantages and opportunities. For the first time, you’ll be able to say “I’m an axe fighter” or “I’m a flail fighter” and that will mean something cool.

About the Author

Rob Heinsoo was born in the Year of the Dragon. He started playing D&D in 1974 with the original brown box. More recently, he designed Three-Dragon Ante, Inn-Fighting, and a couple incarnations of the D&D Miniatures skirmish system. He’s the lead designer of 4th Edition and captains the D&D mechanical design team.

Friday, August 17, 2007

D&D 4E

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

Yet one more time. WotC have decided to make a major change and rewrite the whole game.

I have included some of the major links for your viewing pleasure:

The core rule books

The 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game includes elements familiar to current D&D players, including illustrated rulebooks and pre-painted plastic miniatures. Also releasing next year will be new web-based tools and online community forums through the brand-new Dungeons & Dragons Insider (D&D Insider) digital offering. D&D Insider lowers the barriers of entry for new players while simultaneously offering the depth of play that appeals to veteran players.

The 4th Edition rules emphasize faster game play, offer exciting new character options, and reduce the amount of "prep time" needed to run the game. D&D Insider includes a character creator that lets players design and equip their D&D characters, dungeon- and adventure-building tools for Dungeon Masters, online magazine content, and a digital game table that lets you play 24/7 on the internet — the perfect option for anyone who can't find time to get together.

"We've been gathering player feedback for eight years," said Bill Slavicsek, R&D Director of Roleplaying and Miniatures Games at Wizards of the Coast. "Fourth Edition streamlines parts of the D&D game that are too complex, while enhancing the overall play experience. At its heart, it's still a tabletop game experience. However, D&D Insider makes it easier for players to create characters, run their games, and interact with the rest of the D&D community."

Wizards of the Coast will release two 4th Edition preview books in December and January — Wizards Presents: Classes and Races and Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters. The first live demos of 4th Edition will happen at the D&D Experience gaming convention in Washington D.C. in February 2008. The full scope of 4th Edition books, miniatures, and adventures will be available in the spring and summer of 2008.

Since its first release in 1974, the fantasy roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons has taken millions of players on imaginary adventures of epic scale. Today, D&D is universally regarded as the original game that created the roleplaying game category, and the inspiration for generations of game designers. D&D is enjoyed by millions of players worldwide, while countless more remember it with fond nostalgia.

Player's Handbook 4e: May 2008 (Source)

Dungeon Master's Guide 4e: June 2008 (Source)

Monster Manual 4e: July 2008 (Source)

D&D Insider
  • This is the "D&D Online" section of Gleemax
  • It contains a "Dungeon Master's Kit" that includes the following:
    • dungeon builder (map tool)
    • adventure builder
    • PC generator
    • other things (Source)
  • "Character Generator"
    • character sheets
    • character visualizer (Source)
  • "My Campaign"
  • "My Character" (Source)
  • "D&D Game Table" (Source)
  • "Dungeon & Dragon Magazines" (Source)
Open Gaming Licence
  • 3rd party publishers will be able to get licenses to create 4e material from Wizards. (source)
  • Fans will be able to publish material on Gleemax under (free) license from Wizards. (This material will be available to Wizards to republish; see discussion on Gleemax TOS).
  • The OGL/SRD/d20 Licenses will still exist - details still to come (Source)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Phoenix Games is going out of business

I heard the rumor and so went to Phoenix Games yesterday on my way home from work. Although I am doing my best to keep from crying. They are going out of business.

The rent for their shop on Lake Street has doubled in the last 5 years. He just can't afford to stay. So he is having a clearance sale.

20% off (for brand new RPG releases)
35% off (for miniatures, RPG games older than 1 month and all board games)
50% off (for older release materials and tons of other things.)

Things are clearing out quick so if we want to stock up on materials... now would be the time.

The owner is setting up an all on-line business since about 40% of his current business is on line. He is guaranteeing that he will beat the price of other "game retailers" in the cities.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Game Schedule

Here are the game dates thus far


2 (this is the last weekend before I start teaching kids...
depending on how free Phil is, I may need this day to
work on the garage)



23 (Claude may be out of town... not sure)

Please feel free to comment and list dates that will not work or other suggestions.

I'll put these dates on the calendar to the right of the main game page.

Remember Brea's B-day is in Sept and Valarie is giving Birth in September.

Recap 8/5/07 AMBUSH!

Having just fought off those floating squid like things in the cave, the party decides to investigate a few loose ends in the initial complex. Finding mostly dead ends, the party begins their decent down the sloping cave towards the section where they encountered the big, bad, tough as hell bugbear.

Reaching that section of the cave the party is surprised by a small volley of arrows streaming towards Church key. The plinking sound of the arrows off his armor is more like the clinking of wind chimes than anything else. The shocking piece is that the ledge where the goblins shot the arrows is also a human who finishes some spell and a murky, gooey figure coalesces infront of churchkey tainting his armor with a black ikor that smells.

All hands spring into action. Donner quickly makes a jump up to the ledge while Barret lashes out with the chain shattering a goblins knee and causing it to fall off the ledge and die with a sickening thunk.

A group of goblins rushes from another tunnel with a short female wielding a halberd. She is immediately different, for her head supports a small pair of horns. Accompanying her is a goblin riding a worg.

Churchkey and Barrett clean out a few more of the goblins and fell the gooey mess. Connell is having a bad day. His swings are powerful but clumsy. Bolgrim is bolstering the party with spells. Bless being his first operation and then moving into heal mode.

With quick blows Donner is able to stun the magician and quickly send him to his maker. Where in he reels to remove the other two goblins on the ledge. At this time the battle takes a turn for the worse for our party.

With a battle fury the halberd woman whacks Churckey and does a fierce 22 hp blow. Churchkey staggers but is able to atleast give back a bit of what he received. Connell is frustrated for every swing he makes seems to slide off their armor or they are able to dodge the blow with little effort. The worg has Barretts name and begins tearing through his armor. Although doing considerable amounts of damage, the Worg can not seem to trip Barrett. The worg rider is also drawing a good deal of blood from Connell.

Bolgrim is furiously casting heal spells. Pepper is "peppering" the group with flame strikes and casting mild cure spells. The party is barely holding on.

At this a small glow is detected from down the cavern where two lizards with a mild blue electric current coursing between them is being herded by some sort of shaman.

Barrett is able to land a good blow on the worg but it just wont stop its incessant attacks. Connel is able to take a second breath, refocus and finally he lands a blow on the worg.

Fire streaks from the shaman at Churchkey but to little affect. Donner leaps down the 15' ledge and attacks the shaman. The shaman counters with a spell that Donner is barely able to resist and then proceeds to beet the shaman to death.

The lizards attack and Barrett falls unconscious from the electrical damage. Connell is staggering. He is able to give a killing blow to the wolf before he too falls to the ground. Bolgrim grabs Barrett and drags him back into the cave and calls down all the healing he can. Churchkey finally fells the woman with the halberd. The worg rider is dropped and things are looking up for the party again. In a few more rounds one lizard is dropped and the remaining lizard runs into the cave.

The party begins to heal and then realizes that resources are pretty much maxed out. Peoples hit points are extremely low and spell are pretty much depleated with the exception of a few non combat spells and cantrips.

Searching the bodies has brought up some magic items including a coveted set of studded leather. While searching the bodies Barrett and Donner follow a corridor a short ways that link to the ledge the archers and magician were fighting from. Here they find a small room housing some beds and a rope bridge over a chasm at the end of the corridor. The two return to the rest of the party.

After some discussion it is determined that what they fought must have been the bulk of anything left down in the caves. It is noted that there seems to be some kind of carved out tunnels on either side of this main cave "corridor". So the thought is to kill the lizard that ran and do a little exploring. The party heads off into the southern cave entrance in search of wounded lizard.

This large chamber opens up and they see a crude stairwell leading up to a chamber. The room contains three moldy straw pallets a door and the injured lizard. The party makes quick work of the lizard. From here the party exits the room only to find themselves in a room that has been cut nearly in two with a 45 foot precipice overlooking a rough-hewn tunnel.

Creeping forward the group finds themselves in a disturbing room that has literally been painted in blood. The walls are a rust red. The back corner of the room look like it has been chopped off and exits into the blackness of the cave. The only thing in this room is chair made of bone, and the skin of heads stretched taught and stitched together.

As Barrett begins to search the chair, it shockingly animates and swipes at Barrett drawing blood. Bolgrim again calls upon the gods and turns the undead chair. Within a few seconds the chair no longer resembles anything but the remains of the forgotten dead.

looking into the inky blackness beyond this chamber there is a ladder descending 30 feet. Donner takes the lead and easily makes it to the bottom of the ladder in record time. As the rest of the party is slowly making their way down the ladder. A massive bat swoops by and gashes Donner. Moments later it makes a second pass coming to rest to devour its now badly wounded pray. At that moment a Barrett and Connell also make it to the bottom of the ladder and begin their assault on this massive creature. Churchkey, who has remained up top do to his limited ability to climb in full armor shoots with Barretts bow and impales the creature in the back of the neck. It crumples to the ground to much rejoicing.

After a bit of searching another latter is discovered on the opposing side of the chasm. Reaching the top, a room filled with money and items of worth. Items of magic are revealed in places. After an hour of picking up items and stowing them the group decides to make their way back up to Cauldron and rest.

The group moves slowly and resolutely back to the large tunnel they were ambushed in. They are about to make their way back to Cauldron when deeper in the tunnel they can not make out what is being said, but obviously some people are talking and moving toward the party.

It is here that we leave off....

August 19 we resume in the caves.